Sunday, December 26, 2010

Mom's "Horseneck" Lighthouse Painting

I thought I put this picture of Mom's painting on my blog but I had posted it on Facebook instead.  Here is my favorite painting by Mom- Claudette O'Malley.  She has such beautiful clouds and the dunes remind me of Horseneck Beach in Westport, MA.   I remember going to Horseneck with the family as a little kid.  We always went to the rear back parking lot and planted ourselves early in the morning.  We brought a picnic and sand shovels and buckets and had such a good time.  I remember because as a pale pukey redhead, I would have to either be slathered with sunblock or wear a shirt.  I thought there were only nine seagulls (Mom & Dad plus the seven children) but then I took this picture and counted more seagulls.  Doesn't matter...I still love this painting.
I hope my brothers and sisters post their paintings somewhere to show a portfolio of her work. 
Above is Maureen's painting by my Mom (C.O'Malley signed) that is in Van Gogh impressionistic way...short taps of paintbrush.

Mom's Central Park Painting

Mom also did this painting of Central Park and gave it to me.  It is not completed so she never signed it.  There is a Navy guy walking with a girl in yellow dress and a black lab (dog) in the middle of the painting.  Over to the right are three people holding balloons.  There are cherry blossoms out which is why Mom gave me this painting.  Her and I went to Washington DC in Spring of 1983 or 84 and were there for the cherry blossoms.  We went to see Donald while he was still in medical school so not sure of the year. I was her "co-pilot" and helped her navigate through DC with the help of our AAA triptik.
She knew this painting was unfinished when she gave it to me way back when Todd & I got married.  I love this painting because of the cherry blossoms and Navy guy.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Christmas Tree 2010

This is our first "real" Christmas tree in Moore.  It was $15 at Lowe's and I think it is a beautiful tree. 
The story is...
I have a crawl space in attic.  My Christmas bins were up there.  I pulled the stairs down and know that my weight capacity is probably the maximum that puney little ladder can hold.  I climbed the ladder shaking the whole way up there.  I shined my flashlight, hoping a mouse-squirrel-chipmunk-raccoon would not come charging at me. (another story for another day) I was upset that the Christmas stuff was up there, while bins that "we" don't use are in the garage.  I cursed and said a few choice words under my breathe to relieve "me Irish temper".
I was able to physcially reach only two bins.  One of them had all my party stuff in it, just like Mom use to keep her party supplies seperate.  The other bin had some JOMIII Irish ornaments and large balls. 
I started to decorate and became very sad, depressed and missing my Mom.  I only put a few balls on the tree and then used ribbon, instead of tinsle to decorate.
I love the tree stand.  It holds quite a bit of water and is very sturdy.  I mostly love the smell and look of a live tree.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Mom's Eulogy 10-4-2010

“It is not the breathe you take, but the moments that take your breathe away” -George Strait

I have the privilege to present the eulogy for my Mother-Claudette. I am Christine, the youngest of her seven children. As she would call me “her redheaded baby”

There are many wonderful gifts my mother possessed. I will touch upon a few of those gifts today and hopefully you can relate to one of those gifts either as her child, grandchild, friend, colleague or fellow parishioner.

I mention the word wonderful because for Mother’s Day, I would specifically looked for the word “WONDERFUL” on my Mother’s Day cards so she would know it was from me. Of course important key words inside the card would be underlined and if necessary underlined twice. It’s a family tradition. She always made sure each of us received cards with underlined words with love from Memere

My Mom was a wonderful mother. I don’t have children but often wonder how she could balance her schedule so well. It was with LISTS. She had lists for her lists. The organization and running our house like Staff Sergeant was what made our family run so smoothly. You came in when the street lights came on…out only after dinner and rosary was said. She would drive us to Pauline Parker’s Dance studio, while one of the brother’s was busy playing little league or in Boy Scouts while another one was sneaking out the window to attend a CYO dance.

She was always there for us… even while working full time at the St. Luke’s. Claudette had the gift of compassion. Not only for us… but for the thousands of patients she nursed on old Abbey stroke ward. She was the nurse who held patients hands to ease their pain and suffering. She also taught a few of her co-workers how to care for patients by doing or saying the simplest of things. A word, a prayer, a touch, a back massage that would help the suffering subside a little.

My Mom had a gift of music and singing. I remember her hands playing the piano while hearing her sing ragtime songs and making her voice like Louis Armstrong. Her favorite singer was Barbra Streisand and my last conversation with her was when I called she said, “You just wanted to hear my voice? I said “Yes” and she told me she would sing me a Barbra Streisand song. I asked for “People” but she said…”NO that is too depressing, how about “Second Hand Rose?” We laughed and that was my great lasting memory of Mom. Her laughing on the phone with me.

Her gift of humor got her through life. She had a book near her bed that I think Mother Miriam, one of her Sacred Heart alumni gave her after my Dad died in 1979. "Laughter of God” Right up until the very end she had us laughing in the hospital room. Dee, her nurse was giving her medicine smashed up in her favorite coffee ice cream. Dee said “Claudette don’t eat it too fast you’ll get a brain freeze” Mom said, “You need a brain” (for it to freeze) and Dee said “Your sitting on yours” at which Mom replied with her right index finger wagging at Dee. We all knew the unspoken words of her finger wagging.

Mom also had the gift of art and her paintings will be cherished for future generations. She loved her murder mystery novels and Jeopardy. You never called her between 7:30 to 8 o’clock because she would take Alex Trebek over your phone call.

Claudette had a gift of cooking special recipes such as Pistachio cake that cannot be duplicated, although we’ve tried. Her holiday Beatrice bundt cakes along with special candy will be missed. Claudette loved the holidays, even St. Patrick’s Day!!

She scared a few relatives at Halloween when they opened their doors and she pushed them aside and starting going through their fridge. No one knew that the woman with witch outfit… green face and fake warts was my mother until I giggled and gave it away.

If you were lucky enough to have received one of her Christmas gifts, you might of also seen one of her other talents. She could make her own bows for packages. By standing next to the lady at Star Store gift counter and watching how she did it, Claudette went home and perfected the art of bow making. Sometimes you didn’t even want to open the package because it was too pretty and you could tell she wrapped it all with love.

My Mom’s life was not easy but her love for God helped her through the troubles. Her strong faith is evident as we gather in this church to pray for her. She has plenty of angels that are guiding her to heaven including my father and Tyler. She taught all of us how to be caring and compassionate, that is a reflection of how much God loves us. God gave us three gifts…Faith Hope and Love and the greatest of these is love. I like to think He gave us four…Faith - Hope - Love and Mom.

Thank you….


I watched "The Biggest Loser" finale the other night.  Yes they all looked awesome with their 150+ pound weight loss.  I know it took them a long hard struggle to get healthy and look that good.  I don't know if I have it in me to push myself beyond my limits.  So there was a seminar for gastric bypass at the local hospital last night.  I had come home and first thing I always do, other than put Brier out, is whip the bra off and get comfy.  I then remembered the seminar and told Rick that I was going.  I mumbled to myself, "I have to do something about this".
The presentation was thorough and concise with explanations and options.  I think I am going to look into it further and try to see what my options are.  I was on Spark from January through March of this past year and lost 17 pounds.  A friend who was in the gym with me had said..."you didn't gain it all in three months so don't expect to loose it in three months."  I am lazy and don't want to work my butt off to get healthy.  I'm talking basic health such as blood pressure, cholesterol and sleep apnea that I have.  But I also have feminine issues and hygiene issues that frankly is too gross to even mention.
I opened my gmail account and found an email from "The Biggest Loser" about applying as a contestant.  I am going to try my best and see whatever path leads me to weight loss is the path I am going to take.

3rd Annual Bake-Off at work

Today was the 3rd Annual Bake-off at work.  I am not very creative but yet I always channel my inner "Claudette" and try to impress with my baking skills.  I bought a silicone pan from Avon that is used to make brownie lollipops.  It did not come with a recipe but I found out that you just follow the instructions on the brownie box.  I then "googled" to find out a few different ways to decorate the brownie pops.  These are the hottest thing going I guess because there were so many different ideas.  I used a big oreo and then a littler one for the hat.  Fruit roll-ups for the scarf and little sprinkle for the orange nose.  I then had snow garland that I wrapped around the bottom of the lollipops.  Maureen had sent me battery operated snowmen lights so I put those around the 8 pops also.  I won BEST PRESENTATION.  Wooo Hooo. 
Here is another picture:
I decorated one pop as a snowflake and on the piece of paper explaining my recipe, they had asked if there was anything special the judges needed to know.  I wrote "No Nuts on my Snowmen". LOL
So overall my inner baker was satisfied and now I know I can make different things like wedding bells, ghosts, santa, or even easter eggs for future blogs. 

Monday, December 13, 2010

Credit Security Freeze

I few things led to me request a credit security freeze with the two of major credit bureau's.  (I had already put one on it)
I got an offer from American Express Gold card today.  I laughed to myself since it was a little over a year and half ago that I was on a debt managment plan to pay off over $25K worth of bills.  Now American Express wants me to get a gold card?  How ironic! 
Just a note to my friends who wish to look into debt management plans...they work!  The only problem is you have to check them out to make sure they are legit. Do a check with the Better Business Bureau since there is a lot of bogus companies out there.  I used CCCS, Consumer Credit Counseling Service, which is the commercial that has Starsky & Hutch star Paul Michael Glazer in it.  It was worth the five years of my life to make sure my debt was paid off.  There was a light at the end of tunnel as I now own my own house.  I actually tried to go on it when I was getting a divorce years ago, but I was told my debt-income ratio was too high.  In otherwords, I didn't have enough to pay my bills.
So not only did I get an offer in the mail from AMEX, but I got a weird letter from HSBC (credit cards) saying I had changed my address.  I called on the account and confirmed no one charged anything and there were no changes made by me.  He said it was "their way of confirming my address".  Okay but close the account since I am very leery of identity theft.  So I hopped online and added security freezes (free if you live in SC) to the other two agencies.  Now no one can open an account, even me. 
True story...was in Best Buy opening a joint account and because I had security freeze on my account, a representative (on phone) from credit bureau had to prove it was me.  How weird is answering question about only something you know about your ex-husband, while new husband is standing right there.  Weird...but it worked!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Chili Master

I am married to one of the sweetest men I know. Rick came home on Saturday saying how cold it was to be outside all day. He is not use to working on a construction site during the winter months. He said remembered to dress in layers and that he knew would be warm, since that is what keeps him warm while he goes hunting this time of year in New England. I asked him if he could heat something up for lunch. He said he wished the roach coach had something hot to put in his belly around lunchtime. I suggested he make some chili. That started the whole idea. He wanted to bring a batch of chili to work for the guys. He only has about 7 guys working in the yard he is in.

We went to the local dollar store and found a 3 quart Protect Silex crock pot for $15. We could always use it after this chili trial idea. We then went to the grocery store and got all the ingredients. He bought Johnsville New Orleans Andouille sausage to add and to kick it up a notch. When we got home from grocery store last night, he started a huge batch of chili. He has this habit of starting out in this small pan and before it is over…he has to move his concoction to a bigger pan (thus making more dishes!)

It turned out delicious, as always. I had leftover Chinese food for supper but after I smelled the chili cooking, I had to try it. He was figuring out a way to carry a crockpot, the chili, bowls, spoons and his drink all in one backpack. He has to walk quite a way from his truck to the bus, which drops him off across the street from the site.

Just sitting here wondering if the guys enjoyed a warm bowl of chili on a 20degree day in South Carolina

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

My Mom's bedside reading

My Imitation Of Christ by Thomas Kempis

This is a little book that was always near my Mom's bed or in her desk.  She had a elastic holding it closed.  It was one of the things I took of my Mom's last week from cleaning out her house.  It was also little enough that I could fit it in my purse to take home with me. 
I never read it, nor do I know what the book is about.  All I know is that it was always within reach of my Mom.  I would assume the book is about how to be more like Christ.
I opened the book this morning.  The old elastic broke as I removed it.  I opened the little book to find memorial cards inside.  Not just any memorial cards, but  Tyler from 2009, my Uncle Don from 1999, Dad's from 1979, my Memere from 1978, and even my Pepere from 1975.  All the people that she loved so dearly in her family were in the book.  I cried knowing that is why the elastic was holding it all together.  I took the elastic, and placed it in the book.  Then I thought....what better place for Mom's memorial card to be than to be inside the book with all her loved loved ones.
I found a page on Chapter 10 that says: "It Is Sweet to Serve God".  I figured that Mom was always serving God and wanted so much to be a missionary she once said. I just read the page that I picked and found this verse; "O service worthy to be embraced and always wished for, which leads to the supreme good and procures a joy that will never end!"  That definitely is my Mom.  She was always helping others and doing good.  She led by example and taught us to always be kind and caring towards others.  To live by the "Golden Rule".  I think this was the perfect spot to put her memorial card.  I will cherish this little book forever.

Last week was very tough.  I went back to Massachusetts to visit and to be there when we buried my Mom's ashes. Fr. Mike Racine came to Sacred Heart Cemetery to say prayers over the grave site.  He had the chalice and plate that Mom wanted to give as memorial to the missionaries.  We saw her name engraved on the bottom and I think Molly even took a picture.  He told us that we were invited to Mass the next day (Thanksgiving Day) when he blesses it. 
Maureen, David, Austin and I went to the Mass at St. Bernard's Church in Assonet.  Father blessed the chalice and plate during the Mass and said a few beautiful words about Mom.  After Mass was over, we walked over to thank him and he smiled and said to me, "you are the spitting image of your Mother".  I laughed thinking in the back of my head, I'm a redhead and Mom was a brunette. But then I realized that he just gave me the biggest compliment ever.  What a beautiful image to think that I am just like my Mom.  During her wake, I would say about six people had said the same thing that I look just like my Mother.  I know that there can never be a greater compliment.

This strikes home for me especially for all the Military and their families who protect and serve this country.
Love you Tyler!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

A Biography- The Story of Claudette O'Malley

This was an actual paper I had to write for Mrs. D. Guittarr English class I attended on March 21, 1995 at Burdett Business School.(Mom passed away last month,October 4, 2010) I want to express my sincere gratitude to Claudette O'Malley for sharing her life story with me for this interview. I have the pleasure of hearing some of these stories often since I am her daughter. Nothing gives me greater feeling than knowing my mother and how she grew up. I could have done my assignment on someone I never met before, but I choose Claudette because I admire the life the has led.I only hope my assignment does her life justice. On Friday, March 17, 1995, I had the pleasure of interviewing Claudette Mae O'Malley (Allain), my mother. From stories I remmber hearing as a child to new things I just learned about her, I will share with you now. Claudette was born on November 7, 1933, in Acushnet, Massachusetts She great up in the Greater New Bedford area. Her family lived mostly in a close-knit french neighborhood in the city of New Bedford. She was born to Amand (Edmond) and Emma Allain as their second child and first daughter. Her older brother is Edmond Donald and he is three years older than her. She also had a younger sister, Doris, but she died after only five hours alive. Claudette spent her young adulthood growing up at a private girls boarding school named Sacred Hearts Academy. She was a student there from 1942 until 1951. Here religion was instilled in her by the nuns and discipline was too.She was an outstanding student and a high achiever.She was in choir, in orchestra playing the drums and piano, in drama society, and she spoke French and Latin. Her nickname at Sacred Hearts was "DUZ" ( a popular laundry detergent back then), because Claudette "duz" everything. She went to help some nurses aides during this time and found she enjoyed helping people. She went ahead to pursue a nursing certificate at St. Luke's Hospital School of Nursing in New Bedford.She graduated and was "capped" in 1954. She went on to work at St. Lukes for the next 40+ years.It was while she was nursing, that she met a tall, handsome sailor named John Joseph O'Malley Jr. He had hurt his knee during his service in World War II and was in the hospital with some kind of knee trouble. As he was recovering, Claudette would be at his beside talking and making jokes to take his mind off his troubled knee. Through these talks she told him that she prays, "Dear St. Joseph, Dear St. Anne, please bring me a nice young man." John replied, "That's funny because I pray, Dear St. Joseph, Dear St. Anne, make me Claudette's nice young man". She says that was the moment she knew she would one day marry him. They were married on November 7, 1955. Although she was nervous on her wedding night, it was also very exciting for the fact that a baby boy was born nine months later. This was only the beginning of the "O'Malley Clan". She bore four boys and three girls within ten years. Her sons are John III, Donald, Michael and David. Her daughters are Maureen, Janet and Christine. She was not only raising a family, but she was still a nurse at St. Luke's. She worked mostly the all-night shift so she could spend the afternoons being active in her children's lives. She took them to dancing school, Boy/Girl Scouts, football and music lessons. She was the cook of every meal, the laundry cleaner, the maid, the seamstress, the shopper of food and made clothing for seven children. She also acted quite a few times as referee and mediator, not to mention as healer and console. Claudette found herself taking care of the bookkeeping for her husband's business. She went without sleep sometimes just to get things done around the house. A few of Claudette's memorable moments include having a baby while the first man walked on the moon.She remembers going to the all day movies on Saturday's for only a dime. She remembers the day her brother, a Lieutenant Colonel in the Army, came back from Vietnam.Everyone was so pleased in her family that he was back home in New Bedford after those long months away. She remembers sitting in a rocking chair feeding her youngest son and watching Harry Reasoner tell everyone that the President (John F. Kennedy) was assassinated. Claudette remembers her husband's heart problems and driving to Boston everyday to see him. She would work all night, sleep a little and then drive up to Boston to be by his side. She remembers being only 46 years old when he passed away and having seven children, aged 12-22 to raise alone She remembers turning to "their" retirement account to help pay for college tuition. Out of all these memorable moments, she says her most memorable was giving birth to each child. This also was the greatest accomplishment she has done. To raise, seven, beautiful, healthy, educated children to watch them grow into adults, get married and start their own families, is her greatest accomplishment. Her "Philosophy of Life" you could say, pulled her through all the triumphs and tribulations in her life. She is a deeply religious woman who believe in obeying the laws of God. She also believes in helping those in need, whether it is family, friends, or strangers.This is what she also has passed down to her children. Over the past six decades, nothing much has changed in Claudette's values or morals. She does have a bright outlook for the future awaiting the arrival of two more grandchildren in August. She spends her time with her family and friends. She can often be found babysitting her three other grandchildren: Molly, Tyler, and Bridget.She travels and enjoys going to the movies or playing Mah-Jong. Although she has lived at the same address for thirty years, she would like to buy a mobile home in Florida and spend half the year in each home. I wish her all the best!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Laughing at Lowe's

Yesterday we went to Lowe's to look for a charcoal grill. Our Kenmore gas grill has rotted out (more than 10 years old) and my husband really wanted to cook butterfly lamb shoulder on the grill. It is delicous the way he marinates it overnight in good mustard, olive oil, garlic and thyme.

We were looking at this fancy Weber 22.5 Performance grill that has a tuck away lid holder that keeps the lid out of the way while you are putting stuff on the grill. The only problem is Rick is left handed and that is where the lid holder is, making it not "out of the way" but actually in the way for left handers. I mentioned this to him and he agreed it is a stupid design except for right handers. (where the side table is also located.

So we walked down the aisle with the other charcoal Weber grills and there was the normal Weber Kettle grill. I said to him, "will the cover get in your way?" thinking it was going to be like the other grill we just saw. He showed me how this cover has a hook and you can hang it wherever you like. I started to laugh at how ridiculous my thoughts were thinking it was going to get in his way. Then he did a Jeff Dunham's "Peanut" thing to me and I busted out laughing so hard I was crying.

Hysterical Laughing

Yesterday we went to Lowe's to look for a charcoal grill.  Our Kenmore gas grill has rotted out (more than 10 years old) and my husband really wanted to cook butterfly lamb shoulder on the grill.  It is delicous the way he marinates it overnight in good mustard, olive oil, garlic and thyme.
We were looking at this fancy Weber 22.5 Performance grill that has a tuck away lid holder that keeps the lid out of the way while you are putting stuff on the grill.  The only problem is Rick is left handed and that is where the lid holder is, making it not "out of the way" but actually in the way for left handers.  I mentioned this to him and he agreed it is a stupid design except for right handers. (where the side table is also located.)
So we walked down the aisle with the other charcoal Weber grills and there was the normal Weber Kettle grill.  I said to him, "will the cover get in your way?" thinking it was going to be like the other grill we just saw.  He showed me how this cover has a hook and you can hang it wherever you like.  I started to laugh at how ridiculous my thoughts were thinking it was going to get in his way.  Then he did a Jeff Dunham's "Peanut" thing to me and I busted out laughing so hard I was crying.

Sunday, July 18, 2010


I am so shy and scared that I don't open my mouth and have conversations with people. That is why I probably don't have many friends.  I trip over my words and draw blanks at what the words are, I sound so stupid.  I was trying to say to someone as they were leaving our house for them to "stop by again".  I said, "stop my". 
I know I have never been diagnosed with dyslexia but I have all the symptoms of it.  I am very thankful that my numbers are solid when typing.  I had all that experience with entering phone numbers for customers as an operator.  Then it switched from phone pad to keypad, which is backwards except (I just typed "expect" see!) for middle like is same 4-5-6
So here I am trying to make new friends in South Carolina and I get all jumbled up on my words.  It is hard enough for them to understand my northern accent, but then through the wrong words in there and they are really confused!  It is like my brain is mush.  I know the word, but just doesn't come out of my mouth right.
Add my horrible language skills along with my shy and introvert people skills and I am not a good party person.  I gravitate towards familiar people instead of meeting new people and trying to have a conversation with them.  I rather just sit back and listen!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Last Movie I saw....

Rick and I went to movies tonight.  The last movie we saw in the theatre was Pirates of Caribbean- the first one!   We went to see Avatar-The Last Airbender in 3D.  It wasn't bad but could of used more 3D effects.  I can't believe the movies cost 28.00 bucks plus he bought a large bottle of water and I bought dips for $9 dollars.  No wonder families can't afford entertainment things anymore. 
I remember how we would all pack up the station wagon to go to drive-in movie either in Dartmouth where the Wal-Mart is or Fairhaven.  Mom would let us go in our pajama's so if we fell asleep, it was easier to carry us up to bed.

Speaking of Mom...she is doing better and should be coming home in the morning.  She was admitted to St. Luke's last Thursday night.  Janet, Maureen and I went to her doctor's appointment for her regular follow-up from being discharged two weeks ago.  She had cellulitis (sp) and it was slowly creeping up her leg making her retain fluid and looked red.  She tried bullshitting the doctor by saying, "it is a sunburn".  The doctor turned around and said, "Mrs. O'Malley this is no sunburn...this is strep/staph infection that is almost to your torso".  He wanted her admitted right away.  Stubborn woman who for 45 years nurse would normally know what was wrong, but she is her own worse patient.
Mom use to be such a strong woman who had big shoulders and her hugs were like a bear.  After hugging her while I was home, I cried knowing how frail she felt beneath my body hug.  She is going to be 77 this November.  I had a few moments while visiting last week when I thought to myself..."this might be the last time I see her alive".  I hope and pray that God keeps her with us a lot longer, but it is not up to me.  It is in God's hands.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

God Been Good Lyrics

(Sung by Legacy Five, I believe written by Tim Parton)

Lately I've been looking back, along this winding road
To the old familiar markers of the mercies I have known
I know it may sound simple but it's more than a cliche
There's no better way to tell you, than to say

God's been good in my life
I feel blessed beyond my wildest dreams when I go to sleep each night
And though I've had my share of hard times, I wouldn't change them if I could
'Cause through it all, God's been good

Times replay and I can see that I've cried some bitter tears
But I felt His arms around me, as I faced my greatest fears
You see I've had more gains than losses and I've known more joy than hurt
As His grace rolled down upon me undeserved

For God has been my Father, my Savior and my Friend
His love was my beginning, and His love will be my end
I could spend forever trying to tell you everything He is
But the best that I can say it is this

God's been good in my life
I feel blessed beyond my wildest dreams when I go to sleep each night
And though I've had my share of hard times, I wouldn't change them if I could
'Cause through it all, God's been good

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Fishers of Men

Otherwise known as "fishermen".  How do they do it?  I know it something that they feel deep down inside them to want to go to the sea and work but how do they physically put up with storms that happen.  I think of Jesus walking on the water and calming telling the Apostles "Do not fear" but that scene would be something that would make my mouth drop open. 
"O Jesus, divine Shepard of the spirit, you have called the Apostles in order to make them fishers of men, you still attract to you burning spirits and generous young people, in order to render them your followers and ministers to us"- Pope Paul VI, World Day of Prayer for Vocations , 1964
Today is World Day of Prayer for Vocations and I pray that those that feel the spirit, listen to their vocation and follow the word of God. Thank you Jake for listening....I hope to hear you preach one day.

Thursday, April 15, 2010


That is the hardest thing for me to say right now. I am still holding on to the grief and I need to let it go. It is suppose to subside in time, but it still hurts so much. I know I am suppose to “get over it” but no two people grieve the same.

My nephew, Tyler J. Trahan, was killed in Iraq last year on April 30th. His birthday was two days later. My sister had to sign his death certificate on what would have been his 23rd birthday. She said she never imagined 23 years earlier that she would be doing that. I cannot fathom her pain.  My niece lost her only sibling and brother.  My brother-in-law lost his only son. 

I wasn’t the Aunt I should have been, but that is in the past. I cannot change the past. I can only live in the moment and right now I have been grieving (again). I am heading to Elgin AFB in Florida for his first anniversary in two weeks. It just so happens to be the National EOD Memorial weekend. He was a member of Explosive Ordinance Disposal family and they have embraced us into their family. I need both my blood relatives and EOD family to help me memorialize a terrific kid. He would come right over after he opened his birthday/Christmas gifts from me to give me a kiss. He was very sweet, loving and caring. My husband and I scuba dive and talked him into going for his scuba certificate.. He ended up going into the Navy and would tell us about all his scuba diving adventures/training. (Well not all of them but what he could share…he did)

It wasn’t suppose to happen this way. Tyler was suppose to defend our country and return home. He did make it home, but that casket was not the vessel he was suppose to come home in. He was a hero to me before he was even killed. The last conversation I had with him was hearing how excited he was and sharing how he had just met the President (Bush). I told him to stay safe and God bless. That is what I have to remember…he is safe now with God. A flash of white light that sent him straight to heaven and he is now a bright shining white star looking down on us. “And until we meet again, May God hold you in the palm of His hand.”

Friday, April 2, 2010

Kindergarten way back in 1971

Maybe you didn't quite see those huge freckles on my face.  That is not the picture, although I would have prefered Fotomat glossy instead of matte finish.  This is my kindergarten picture from 1971.  Although I was at Sacred Hearts Catholic School, I think they let the kindergarten kids take their pictures without uniforms on.  I did wear a uniform everyday for Mrs. Aliscio's (sp) class.  It was held in the basement of the school.  We had this huge concrete door that the whole class had to get up and practice shutting for "raids".  I can't really remember what for but I am sure it was for some kind of drill.  I remember my mother was the school secretary back then since she could type very good.  Mom went back to St. Lukes after I started school full time.  She took a nursing sabatical for 7 years.  I think she would have missed out on quite of bite of us growing up had she not stayed home.  My favorite memory of kindergarten was when Mom brought us Burger Chef.  (I don't think McDonald's was around our city back then).  Burger Chef use to give Mom her own ordering pad so she could pre-write all nine of our orders down instead of waiting for each one of us to call out what we wanted.  And you never really knew the whole menu...Mom only probably let us choose between two things.  I like the kids today who come up to the ice cream window and the parents ask what they want.....ummmm....I  Okay it is either chocolate, vanilla or coffee.  Oh would I love a coffee frappe right now.  Poulas Pharmacy on  Union Street made the best.   But I loved the Starr Store too!
Just walking down memory lane for today. 

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Mom and poetry

Mom is wonderful singer. She is no Barbra but she does carry a tune very good. I have fond memories of us singing in the car on Sunday drives, when the Red Sox games weren't on the radio. I have this one spring song she taught me...

Though April showers,
Have come your way,
They bring the flowers,
That bloom in May.
So if it's raining have no regrets..
because it isn't raining rain you know,
It's raining violets (here is where she would harmonize with me)
When you see clouds upon the hill,
You soon will see crowds of dafodils
So keep on looking for the bluebird, and listening for his song
whenever April Showers come along.

( I found a link to the song with just piano chords, but that is exactly how I picture Mom right now playing at the piano and singing this song  )
The other poem she use to recite with a thick disguised Brooklyn accent ...
Spring has sprung
de grass has rizz
I wonder where de flowers iz
boids on wing ain't that absoid
I tawt de wings were on de boid
I just called her because I got stuck on the last part and in normal Claudette fashion...she starts telling me how to spell things. God love her.
Here are a few pictures of my tulips...HAPPY SPRING!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Twenty things you might not know about me....

1.) I am a minority yet not one application I fill out can I claim I am a minority. Only 2% of the world's population are Redheads. Yes there should be some kind of reward for having this copper head but as long as it stays on my head...I am happy.

2) I did dye my hair once...and only once. It was during Fall and my friend talked me going into dying it a more deeper auburn color. It came out looking like a deep brown. My pale pukey white skin and deep dark hair and it being Fall, I looked like Elvira. I defiantly looked Goth (before Goth was even considered a clique). My mother yelled at me for doing it and screamed "God gave you that hair color for a reason". I never colored it again.

3) My two front teeth are fake. I was in 5th grade and went to NBHS for summer swim team. The girls had used shampoo to soap up the floors and slide between the dressing rooms. I was using the squeegee to clean up the mess when I slipped and fell (on my teeth). I could feel it and then looked up and saw the broken teeth on the floor in front of me. (Same day my Dad got rushed to Boston for open heart surgery)

4)I got to see (secret) underground at Disney World. During High School we were invited to march down Main Street USA. We were given "ALL DAY PASSES" so we could go on any ride we wanted. (back when they had E tickets)

5.)My mother walked me down the aisle for my first wedding. Just as the music began, her lace dressed got caught in one of my pearl appliqués. The photographer took out his Swiss army knife and cut us free. She turned to me and says, “that was the tie that binded us together that is now broken”. WAAHHHHHH (and then the tears began)

6.)My first French kiss was in the pool closet at the YMCA. I guess turning 13 and claiming to never been kissed made everyone push me into the closet with Peter Cabral. He turned out the light and I had no idea what was going on. I was screaming to get out but he just grabbed me and started to French kiss me. I had no idea what French kissing was so I bite his tongue and he then turned on the light. I am traumatized to this day….

7.)I was also in love with Butch Hobson, ex-Red Sox 3rd basemen. I use to watch every single Red Sox game and wish he was my husband.

8.)My worst sunburn was on the back of my knees. I couldn’t walk or sit down. Every bend of my leg hurt.

9.)I got sun poisoning on my honeymoon in Aruba. Yes was smart enough to put SPF100 on, but I applied it from my arm up and forgot to do my hands. The tops of my hands swelled so bad, I had to go to Aruba Hospital for cortisone shot. You have to get buzzed by security into hospital. I thought you could just walk right in but I was standing outside pleading my case to security before they let us in.

10.)I love clams, oysters, cherrystones or any other bivalve. I would give anything for a plate of Ipswich Fried Clams. I would even work out extra to burn them off.

11.)Although I am a walking tourist ad for Ireland with all these freckles on my face, I am half French. I don’t admit to it though!

12.)Speaking of being half French-Canadian, I also am a post-debutante. It is old custom for single woman to be presented before society as a “coming out” ball. My how that phrase has changed (coming out)! So here I was, dressed in my pretty white gown, doing a long, slow bow before the French dignitaries and the announcer is trying to pronounce my Irish surname with French accent.

13.)My husband’s number on his hockey jersey is 13. We both love Ice hockey but since we have moved to South Carolina, it is not a popular sport down here.

14.)My first car was a 1972 Toyota Corolla that I bought for $400 dollars from my babysitting money. I use to drive my best friend to school everyday. The car would still be running today if I had put oil in it.

15.)We owned a barroom (one word or two?) growing up and I use to pack the glass bottles into the cooler for my Dad. I also use to clean out the ashtrays which were scallop shells. To this day, I claim that is the reason I don’t drink or smoke.

16.)My Catholic confirmation name is Theresa. I took that name for St. Theresa, the little flower. When she answers your pray, you are suppose to smell or see roses. I went to the chapel and prayed to her for a job I wanted. I walked out of chapel and was getting ready to cross the street so I stepped between two parked cars. On the ground in front of my foot was a rose. I then got offered the job with Reebok. My mother cried when I told her this story.

17.)Mom made us kneel down every night after dinner and say the rosary. It was a special treat if you were the one who got to light the candle next to Virgin Mary statue.

18.)I had braces when I was growing up. No big deal but the youngest three in the family all had braces. I still wonder how my Mom could afford that.

19.)I had a miscarriage back in 1998. It was with an ex-boyfriend who was verbally abusive to me. Although my husband and I are childless, I still think that was God showing me the way my life was suppose to go.

20.) My goal is to walk a 5k next month (BFA FCA 5K at Willow Creek) so I need all the motivation I can get.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Motorcycle License

I've been thinking of getting my motocycle license.  It was high 78 degrees on this gorgeous March day.  Rick took his bike out riding and I have been getting jealous.  I use to love to ride my moped when I was 16-17yrs old.  I know it is not the same thing but just feeling the wind blowing through my hair like Fabio commerical would be wonderful.  I am not talking about a big HOG (sorry MPOM) but I really like that reverse trike I saw on commercial.  (CAN AM BRP but it is $20,000)
I also like the guys that are in Rick's motorcycle club.  Since they are all police, fire, ems and ex-military...they always are safe and looking out for one another.  I checked online about EOD motorcyle club but that is only for EOD members. 
Speaking of which, for Tyler's 1 year anniversary, they are having a EOD ball down in Florida.  I guess they are invited for memorial but seeing how Florida is now closer than Massachusetts...I might ask about going. Espeically since it is also in Ft. Walton Beach where my best friend Bridget lives.
I am aching to go camping too.  This beautiful weather plus looking at the camper in the backyard has got me wishing I was sitting next to a nice stream, brook or CRICK, listening to the water and watching my husband fly-fish for brownies.
Oh would that be nice.  *even better would be a nice trout on the grill with a little lemon, dill and onion....yum.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Week 9

I began my new healthy lifestyle change on Jan 11th and it is now week 9. You would think I would feel better but there are only a few things that I notice that has changed.

  1. I am eating healthy but still give in every now and then to Girl Scout cookies.
  2. I am exercising which I haven't done in about 10 years.
  3. I am sleeping a little better but not consistantly.
  4. My clothes still feel the same but then again, I am bloated today.
  5. I noticed that I am getting my heart rate up to "optimal" workout range.
  6. My skin is feeling nice I think due to water.
  7. I haven't had a coca-cola in over two months! (but I did drink a Pepsi yesterday to be polite to my host)
  8. I passed up two opportunties to eat birthday cake and don't regret it.

My goal weight in June was suppose to be down by 44 lbs but it is going slow. I know I have to kick it in high gear at gym. My wallet is slim which makes my fridge slim which hopefully will make my waist slim.
THANK YOU CLAUDIA for your gift! She just bought me "Training for Life" by Debbie Rocker. I want to Rock this book and get healthy but I want it now.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

House Party NABISCO 100 Calorie Delicious Living House Party

House Party NABISCO 100 Calorie Delicious Living House Party

March Madness

Not basketball March Madness but the time of the year when you are sick of winter and Spring is just around the corner. For South Carolina, the last frost date is March 14. I am getting ready to prepare my first garden in our new home. Although shamrock/Clover is considered a weed to some, I would love my yard covered in it. Great deer plot too!
But my March madness also has to do with March was the month my Dad died when I was eleven. I remember the priest at his funeral talking about how there is so much grey and lifeless things around us in March, but how God always renews the earth with Spring and we just have to believe and trust that Spring will make the earth come alive again. I do believe that my Dad is my special angel watching over me. I sometimes wish I got to know him more as an adult, but I know I will always be his little girl.
March madness has begun and can't wait for April and new life to begin again.

Count each day, each memory, each moment
And make them always count.
(on letter Maureen sent to me, I am not that profound)

Saturday, February 27, 2010

God talking to me

I was at this site...( about gastric bypass when I found this link for SparkPeople. I know it was God showing me the way. Too often I miss hearing Him guide me along the way or I talk myself out of listening.
I was really thinking of having my inside cut open to have a piece of my body operated on to make me thinner? Is that why God made me? I pray for strength and not the kind that Lou Ferrigno has (I love him) but the kind that fills my spirit and makes me soar.
*cue music* "I believe I can fly"
I am accountable for me. I can't blame my past for the wayI look in the present and I can't pretend the future will be perfect, but I can do what I can today and start another day of my journey.
SparkPeople name is GIGGLEGURL7 for those of you who know me, I think it suits me since I try to always have a smile on my face. Or as the Irish saying goes, "Keep smiling so everyone will wonder what you are up to".

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Ordinary Miracle

I have been watching some of the Olympics and I didn't get to see this song performed but I just watched it on YouTube and think it is beautiful. There are those days when it takes so much energy just to get myself up out of bed and motivated but once I do, I thank God for the day he has given me.
On the way to work this morning, as the sun was beginning to rise, it gave off such a pretty rose color in the clouds that it was magical. Just a ordinary miracle. I have so much to be thankful for that it's these little moments that make me stop and realize that God is good.

Thursday, February 11, 2010


I got a letter from my sister yesterday and it was (and always is) filled with such positive thoughts and feelings that I have to say she is my insipiration.  If God brings you to it, He'll bring you through it.
She finds everyday things that bring her inspiration and find Tyler is talking to her through this things.  I agree as I find myself hearing Tyler talking to me every now.  It usually over something that makes me stop and then laugh.  His spirit has also been my motivator to get up in the early hours and go work out.  If that kid could sacrafice his life for me, and go through all that training himself...than I can pull my fat butt out of bed and go walk.  I will someday be able to do a push up and when I do, it will be with him doing them with me.
Her letter ended with the saying to Cherish every moment.  I have to keep reminding myself that life it so precious and to stop and cherish people, places and things around me.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Customer Survey's

It paid off!  We went to eat at Longhorn Steakhouse, using a gift card Mom gave us for Christmas.  On the bottom of your reciept is a way to log on and take a customer survey.  I always do these because you never know...
Well I got a check in the mail yesterday for $50 for taking the survey! Woo Hoo!!  I was thinking it was going to be a gift card, which was fine by me, but a check is even better!
So morale of the story....."You might just win if you take those survey's"


Reedy River Run is coming up next month.  I signed up to be a volunteer since this is the new me!  "NO DAY BUT TODAY!" (FALLINOFF in SP)
I am kinda looking forward to it for two reasons.  1) similiar to New Bedford Road Race which I know Friendly Sons of St. Patrick/brothers now help with and 2) Springtime is great time to get active and get to know other healthy-minded people. 
That doesn't mind that I am not friends anymore with folks who eat fried chicken....Oh Nah Nah I say..
It just means that I need more healthy people in my life to keep me motivated (for now).  I work in "sporting goods industry" so you would think I would want to get healthy just for my job.
(don't forget to log in and out 5 times a day BTW)

Monday, February 8, 2010


I have begun tracking things.  I track my food/nutrition and my fitness that I do.  I am also tracking my blood pressure.  My concern is that this Harbor Freight 25dollar wrist cuff doesn't work right.  I wish Mom could take my BP with her fat arm cuff.  I have my yearly Dr. appt in May so I will show him my BP tracking page and see if it matchs to what his BP shows.  I am trying to get off my BP medicine, even though it is only 4bucks a still can be prevented.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

My inner coach

I have voices in my head.  Often times my voice does the John Pinette routine, "Get out line".

But this morning I clearly heard my inner coach.  I was lying bed awake thinking of stupid things when it was 5:58am. My alarm was set to go off at 6am so I could get up, wash face/brush teeth, get dressed, make a lunch and leave to go exercise before work.  I clicked on the alarm time and pushed it out to 7:00 thinking I would go back to sleep for an hour.  My inner coach voice said to me, "Why do you think you will fall back asleep after you have been awake thinking of stupid stuff for about the last 15 mins...get up an go work out". Not sure if those were the exact words but my inner coach's voice (which is male by the way--see I told  you I was wacky) demanded me to get up and get moving.  I obeyed his command.
I ended up reaching my 40 minute goal for this week and walked on the treadmill 1.65 miles burning 285 calories.  It is sad to think that I already ate that many calories today.  I know it is suppose to be calories in-calories out but I am not up to running yet.  Rick actually said I should wait to drop more weight before I try to run so it doesn't damage my joints.  Smart guy!  I would really love to swim but am still afraid of the kids at the YMCA yelling out "Look a beached whale!"  I will swim at the Y again someday (goal).

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Joined Spark Community

I just joined The Spark Community with trying to help my daily calorie log and looks good so far....

Help Count backyard birds

I found this website through The Women's Outdoor Wire, that they are looking for volunteers to count backyard birds.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

I love my garage

So we did get a little bit of snow/ice mix. This picture is taken out of computer room window. (smudge on window that needs cleaning)  The good news is that we were able to put both the truck and the car in our garage. For those of you who have seen our garage at apt complex, know that it was chock full of Rick's stuff and there was no way to even fit our second kayak let alone a car.  Now in our new house with double garage, we got to put them both inside the garage and out of these elements.  It also helps that Lori, previous homeowner, left the keorsene heater in the garage so it is a heated garage.  Nice to keep your car warm, but down here it is only needed a couple really cold days. I told Rick that it will useful come the springtime when possible hail storms happen and now we have a place to safely put the vehicles.  It was also good to have the boat close by so we could clear the snow/ice off the cover.  It was weighing it down and could possible tear at the windshield.  The birds are going nuts on my birdfeeder. It was full this morning but now it is quite a bit down.  I love watching them and their chubby bodies pecking at the seed.  Brier is on the couch all snuggled up next to Daddy.  I just had a nice big bowl of beef stew with a couple drops of hot sauce. Delicous.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Right on the border to get ICE! Ice baby


It is a little goal and probably you are saying to yourself, "that is nothing" but to me, I reached a little goal this morning and I am so happy.
I made myself a realistic goal by week 3 I would be walking 30 minutes. Week 1 was 10-15 mins. Week 2 was 15-20 mins, and this week was 25-30 mins. I did it! I had the treadmill set for 25 mins this morning but as I got to 20, I still felt good so I advanced it to 27 mins. My heart rate was good and I felt so good. I kept mentally telling myself to go for 30 mins and then I found myself increasing the minutes up to 30. It seemed easier this morning maybe because no one was in there with me, (except Hank for five minutes) and I could relax and meditate on my goal.
Next week I wrote down 40-45 minutes. I CAN DO IT!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Happy 50th Birthday MPOM

I hope the Wicked Whoopie Pie will be worth it! I use to watch Phantom Gourmet back when I lived in MA and saw the Whoopie Pie on the show.  I remember anytime we needed to have something for Girl Scout or school bake sale, Mom would always make Whoopie Pies.  And now I am craving one!
Leave a comment if you love Whoopie Pies too.

Our Friend Art and Rick looking dapper in their suits.
Posting this because Art was visiting here for two weeks and he left today.  He came down to SC to escape the harsh New England weather, but needless to say we also had cold temperatures here last week.  Today was up in the 60's but of course it is the day he is going home. He did help out with cropping my blinds and by helping Rick replace bulbs for out back door light.  I am thankful that he visits.

Monday, January 18, 2010


I got a bird feeder for Christmas. It was the type of present where we are walking through Lowe's and I said to Rick, I would like a bird feeder for Christmas. I picked out the one I wanted, he paid for it and it is now hanging up on our iron pole out in front of the house. (I will have to take a picture of it)
I love watching the birds. Yesterday we had color! Two red cardinals, along with their females (not much red color, and two blue jays were all in the front yard. I think I must of been a bird in another life because they mesmerize me. I now want a bird bath and another bird feeder to hold different seeds. One of my future woodworking projects would be to make a bird house!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Hurting Enviroment

I don't mind using plastic bags at grocery stores because they serve another purpose when I get them home and have to pick up after Brier in the yard. That has changed with the new house. I find I can take one bag, pick up the poo, and then throw it up in the woods where no of us goes walking. But then the bag has poo smell so I end up throwing the bag in the garbage. I need a new way to pick up poo, and not use a plastic bag.
I do use my green cloth grocery bags, but I often forget them back home. The trick is to put them in my car for when I do go shopping. I love those bags since they hold so much more than plastic and the handles are studier.
*footnote- I just saw idea in this months Handyman Magazine to stuff your grocery bags inside of empty tissue box instead of throwing it out. That is double reusing!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

A new start

hopefully this will get me motivated

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

I could fall asleep right now (3:53 pm)

I think after these short weeks we have had that I am losing steam mid week and feel like this week is dragging.
I vividly remember my dreams last night (which may mean that I never got my REM sleep). I was first in a Army tank getting ready to level my house but I remembered that I needed my drivers license and Social Security Card to prove who I am. Then I asked Rick how to work the tank and he said something about "turn it to ash". I mentally remember the word "ash" but can't remember word for word what he said. It was so weird that I asked him if he told me "ash" in the middle of the night. Of course I got a crazy look followed by a snide remark about "ash" and had to explain my dream to him.
My next dream involved deep snow and we were out camping but there was no camper there only a car and someone was in the car sleeping in my blue sleeping bag.
The final dream I can also vividly remember I was on a set of beautiful long marble stairs and there was a Spanish male dancer off in the distance dancing ballet alone in a dim lit hall. From the stairs I could look over the balconey and see him dancing. It was just the two of us at first and I was crying watching him because it was his last performance. He was sick and would die soon. I remember his family coming down the staircase next to me and they were all speaking Spanish so I could not understand them. The dancer from the hall floor said something up to them and they all turned to me smiling. It was if he just told them we were engaged or something.
No I am not having an affair with a Spanish guy but what vivid dreams.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Resolution continued

I was doing laundry last night and found my fortune cookie paper in my jeans. We went out to Mr. Fongs Chinese Restuarant on Saturday. It is no where near as good as Hunan K and is in a strip mall. All Chinese restaurants in this area are either in strip malls as take out or buffet style restaurants. We haven't found a good sit down meal one yet.

My fortune read, " Adjust finances- make budgets, to improve your financial standing." So it got me to think of what I wrote in this blog about my resolution. I really have to stick to this money/budget thing. I just need to get a handle of what comes in, and what goes out.

Monday, January 4, 2010

New Year's Resolution

Why should I make one when I never fulfill what I say anyway?
I could say that this is the year that I will lose the weight. Yeah right, or I could say my New Year's resolution is to get more financially on track but it is hard when R is still unemployed. The good news on that front is that there was an article in the local GoUpstate newspaper that said there is a shortage of welders and graduates of the welding program he is attending at SCC Development Center in Union, they can typically make between $17 to $20 an hour with one graduate earning $28.00.
Then I remembered what Robbie told R during the Christmas party. I am looking forwrd to the say that our financial future is more solid. My 95' Ford Taurus is still trudging along (Thank God) but I would really like a new car. Hopefully 2010 will be prosperous for everyone but my New Year's resolution is to try to use my checkbook more, instead of depending on online banking.