Friday, January 15, 2010

Hurting Enviroment

I don't mind using plastic bags at grocery stores because they serve another purpose when I get them home and have to pick up after Brier in the yard. That has changed with the new house. I find I can take one bag, pick up the poo, and then throw it up in the woods where no of us goes walking. But then the bag has poo smell so I end up throwing the bag in the garbage. I need a new way to pick up poo, and not use a plastic bag.
I do use my green cloth grocery bags, but I often forget them back home. The trick is to put them in my car for when I do go shopping. I love those bags since they hold so much more than plastic and the handles are studier.
*footnote- I just saw idea in this months Handyman Magazine to stuff your grocery bags inside of empty tissue box instead of throwing it out. That is double reusing!