Monday, August 31, 2009


Mike, Sandy and Moe!
Thank you for SKYPE yesterday! I was so glad to "see" Maureen and get to feel like we were right there with you guys like a Sunday afternoon visit.
Now we just need to add smell-a-vision or better yet...can I warp over there like Capt. Kirk does?
Get the family on SKYPE so we can all do it

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Massage Parlor

I need a neck, shoulder and upper back massage really bad. I noticed this after sitting in massage chair waiting for Rick's prescriptions to be filled at Walgreens. It took about 15 minutes to wait but in that small amount of time, I could feel the heat and rolling circular motion of the chair massage work its way to loosen me up.
My friend's husband is in school to be a massage therapist. He has to practice on volunteers so I have signed up for massage. I think I prefer man hands on me for two reasons 1) they are meaty and can grab-manipulate tight muscles better than little petite hands and 2)Mom has Man- hands so I never really was "touched" by woman.
I have had only one massage my whole life and it was given to me as a gift from ex-husband for Valentine's Day 1995. It was good for a year and he left me in Jan 96' so had to use the massage before it expired. That was my personal way of getting over him.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Weird but vivid dream

Here is my future invention that if I was not technologically challenged I would create this future TV. It was a dream but I woke up thinking to myself, "This is possible". I was "watching" a TV show about a bar, called O'Malley's of course. You were watching a TV episode but within that episode you could stop and touch the TV screen and it would give you more information and temporarily pause the TV show. For instance, a group of "characters" were sitting at a table talking about waterskiing. You could touch the TV and something you tell you more about waterskiing. One of the characters was drinking a SAM ADAMS Summer Ale and you could click on the beer and it would give you a commercial and info about SAM ADAMS. Some of the "characters" who were in the background, you could click on and off they were actual "E HARMONY" dating folks. Everything on the screen was "researchable" within the plot of the episode. I woke and said...that is the future of TV when you can "Google" anything you are watching by touching a screen. Gil Grissom and what his favorite bug is to how to cook whatever Alton Brown is making. This is my offical "un-official" post that if this happens in the future, I want the rights to it!!

Monday, August 24, 2009

How Tacky!

Maybe it is more rude than tacky but I just really find it offensive when someone is on a cell phone in the ladies room. They talk up a storm about their kids, medical issues, how fat their cat is getting to how much work they have to do. How come they can't wait to tell this person from their desk phone? Is it really that important that it can't wait?

Is it that I am just too much of a prude? I take "pottie spray" (thanks Christen Dellorco) into the work bathroom with me. I spray if I have #2 because I am too embarrased by my own bodily functions. Do guys care like women do? Claudia and Neasha on my team would love to have a private stall because it isn't just the offensive smell that we are embarrased about, but also the sounds that happen.
At home is one thing, and out in public with strangers is another. But when you have to work with the same people every day, you want to show some type of privicy.
Do you agree?

Monday, August 17, 2009

Just a dream

I wear a CPAP at night because of my sleep apnea. Last night I had a dream someone was breaking into "my house", which actually was a white house I was visiting. While I was sleeping I must have tried to scream but the owners couldn't hear me. Rick woke me up to ask if I needed my CPAP since it was laying on his pillow. I realize I must have taken it off thinking I could scream better without it!
I put it back on and told him to sleep close to me for protection...I was still dreaming.
Weird dreams.....