Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Happy & Sad

Today is the anniversary of my Dad passing away in 1979.  I was 12 years old and although I knew my Dad was sick from open heart surgery, I did not know that I could possibly wake up in the morning to find out he had died.  I wish I got to say goodbye....but regrets cannot rule my life.  I went to a psychologist (during my divorce) and they said I had to write a letter to say goodbye.  I did and it helped bring some closure to the words I never got to say.  That is the sad part of March 2nd.
The happy part about March 2nd is that it is Molly's birthday.  Molly is my godchild and the first grandchild to my Mom.  She was born two months premature and was only 3lbs.  She fit in my hand. She has had a few challenges growing up but she always seems to have a big bright smile on her face.  I love her and that is what makes me happy today. 
Happy Birthday Molly and Until we meet again Dad.....