Monday, January 12, 2015

Joy Filled Life

Lord, I know that You have promised to give me everything I need to live a joy-filled life. Thank You for Your blessings, and help me to live a life of joy beginning today. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015


“Finding a New Kind of Resolution” by Mike Ashcraft and Rachel Olsen was on HIS Radio this morning.
That was ironic that it was the day after I posted my “Word of the Year” on my blog yesterday. You might be wondering why even pick a word versus various resolutions.
“It’s better to do something about ONE thing, than nothing about EVERYTHING” said Mike Ashcraft.

They had great ideas on how to pick your “Word of the Year”.
First you should be journaling and writing down your thoughts. You would need to then think of the person you would like to be and describe those traits or characteristics that you see in others that you want for yourself. Make a list of about twenty words and then leave it alone. Let it sit while you think about it. Take it out and look it over, think again and pray on it.  Narrow it down to 3-4 words. Now you can look up in dictionary and thesaurus.  You can find acronyms, synonyms, and search the Bible. Pick Scriptures with the words you have left and see which one “speaks” to you best.

I looked up JOY in dictionary this morning and the three definitions that speak to me are:Cheerfulness, pleasure, happiness.
I want to live my life this year as those three things.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Late or tardy

I might be a few days late but I am a great procrastinator. "procrastination leads to exasperation". I guess that should be one of my New Year’s resolutions. I hate being late! If I am late to work- there is a reason why.  I logged in yesterday morning but had to use bathroom.  I have to email my boss in TX that I am here at work.  It helps confirm my log in time in case I forget to log in.  Well by the time I emailed her it was 8:12 and told her I had to use the bathroom. She replied “TMI” lol. If it is8:12 and you have not heard from me, something is wrong.  Either my cell phone is home and I can’t text you that I’m late or I’m stuck in bathroom. LOL  I really HATE being late.
I am the one who sits quietly in church ahead of time, usually saying my rosary or prayers in peace. I do not arrive at 8:12am expecting to find a seat and then disrupting Mass. I also am always early for Dr. appointments, or arranged time to meet up with friends. If I am late….reach out to find out why.  It’s not in my nature to be late. 

Get Your Joy Back

My word of the year 2015
I have a word that is going to be my “Reflective Word of the Year- 2015”  It is JOY.

Scripture says: “…weeping may last through the night, but JOY comes with the morning.” Psalm 30:5,NIV
When I wake up every morning, I will try to have JOY and usually I do.  I am very joyous for a new day and new adventures.  You can decide to wake up and be JOYful or you can choose to be miserable.  I find the word JOY a lot this time of year. Like the song “JOY to the World”. It usually is tied together with Peace and Love.  Seems only natural for three (holy trinity) attributes to be linked.  God fills my life with JOY but also Peace and Love. I put a smile on my face and choose to live my life as a happy person and try to spread the JOY  Nothing is more satisfying than to make someone else smile.  Why are people negative, grumpy, discouraged, sour  and depressed?  They are ALIVE!  There is life running through their body and it may not be the best body, but it’s a chance to make the most of life.  I love the movie “SCROOGE” with Albert Finney.  Just watched it for the last time this season on New Year’s Day.  The ending where he says, “I will live my life…as if it were my last.” Always shows me that as miserable of a man that he was, he saw the chance to change and begin again.  Such a great story. I choose to live my life as if it were my last. I love life and will keep smiling.