Thursday, March 25, 2010

Twenty things you might not know about me....

1.) I am a minority yet not one application I fill out can I claim I am a minority. Only 2% of the world's population are Redheads. Yes there should be some kind of reward for having this copper head but as long as it stays on my head...I am happy.

2) I did dye my hair once...and only once. It was during Fall and my friend talked me going into dying it a more deeper auburn color. It came out looking like a deep brown. My pale pukey white skin and deep dark hair and it being Fall, I looked like Elvira. I defiantly looked Goth (before Goth was even considered a clique). My mother yelled at me for doing it and screamed "God gave you that hair color for a reason". I never colored it again.

3) My two front teeth are fake. I was in 5th grade and went to NBHS for summer swim team. The girls had used shampoo to soap up the floors and slide between the dressing rooms. I was using the squeegee to clean up the mess when I slipped and fell (on my teeth). I could feel it and then looked up and saw the broken teeth on the floor in front of me. (Same day my Dad got rushed to Boston for open heart surgery)

4)I got to see (secret) underground at Disney World. During High School we were invited to march down Main Street USA. We were given "ALL DAY PASSES" so we could go on any ride we wanted. (back when they had E tickets)

5.)My mother walked me down the aisle for my first wedding. Just as the music began, her lace dressed got caught in one of my pearl appliqués. The photographer took out his Swiss army knife and cut us free. She turned to me and says, “that was the tie that binded us together that is now broken”. WAAHHHHHH (and then the tears began)

6.)My first French kiss was in the pool closet at the YMCA. I guess turning 13 and claiming to never been kissed made everyone push me into the closet with Peter Cabral. He turned out the light and I had no idea what was going on. I was screaming to get out but he just grabbed me and started to French kiss me. I had no idea what French kissing was so I bite his tongue and he then turned on the light. I am traumatized to this day….

7.)I was also in love with Butch Hobson, ex-Red Sox 3rd basemen. I use to watch every single Red Sox game and wish he was my husband.

8.)My worst sunburn was on the back of my knees. I couldn’t walk or sit down. Every bend of my leg hurt.

9.)I got sun poisoning on my honeymoon in Aruba. Yes was smart enough to put SPF100 on, but I applied it from my arm up and forgot to do my hands. The tops of my hands swelled so bad, I had to go to Aruba Hospital for cortisone shot. You have to get buzzed by security into hospital. I thought you could just walk right in but I was standing outside pleading my case to security before they let us in.

10.)I love clams, oysters, cherrystones or any other bivalve. I would give anything for a plate of Ipswich Fried Clams. I would even work out extra to burn them off.

11.)Although I am a walking tourist ad for Ireland with all these freckles on my face, I am half French. I don’t admit to it though!

12.)Speaking of being half French-Canadian, I also am a post-debutante. It is old custom for single woman to be presented before society as a “coming out” ball. My how that phrase has changed (coming out)! So here I was, dressed in my pretty white gown, doing a long, slow bow before the French dignitaries and the announcer is trying to pronounce my Irish surname with French accent.

13.)My husband’s number on his hockey jersey is 13. We both love Ice hockey but since we have moved to South Carolina, it is not a popular sport down here.

14.)My first car was a 1972 Toyota Corolla that I bought for $400 dollars from my babysitting money. I use to drive my best friend to school everyday. The car would still be running today if I had put oil in it.

15.)We owned a barroom (one word or two?) growing up and I use to pack the glass bottles into the cooler for my Dad. I also use to clean out the ashtrays which were scallop shells. To this day, I claim that is the reason I don’t drink or smoke.

16.)My Catholic confirmation name is Theresa. I took that name for St. Theresa, the little flower. When she answers your pray, you are suppose to smell or see roses. I went to the chapel and prayed to her for a job I wanted. I walked out of chapel and was getting ready to cross the street so I stepped between two parked cars. On the ground in front of my foot was a rose. I then got offered the job with Reebok. My mother cried when I told her this story.

17.)Mom made us kneel down every night after dinner and say the rosary. It was a special treat if you were the one who got to light the candle next to Virgin Mary statue.

18.)I had braces when I was growing up. No big deal but the youngest three in the family all had braces. I still wonder how my Mom could afford that.

19.)I had a miscarriage back in 1998. It was with an ex-boyfriend who was verbally abusive to me. Although my husband and I are childless, I still think that was God showing me the way my life was suppose to go.

20.) My goal is to walk a 5k next month (BFA FCA 5K at Willow Creek) so I need all the motivation I can get.