Monday, October 27, 2008

Brems just emailed the old Bok team to let us know his cube mate just had the "Peanut Buttah Jelly Song" on and he was jamming to his cube thinking back to when Emil would que it up in the afternoon and make us all laugh.
Just think that people come into our lives for a reason...even if it is just to play an annoying but funny song to make us all laugh.
Miss you guys very much!
I changed over my closet from summer to winter and have clothes that I either can't fit in or just have gone out of style. The problem is that there aren't any of those Red Cross clothing bins or St. Vincent de Paul or Planet Earth or Kids for Education bins. The only place I found you can bring your old clothes is the Goodwill Kiosk which you have to wait for them to be "open". I use to love the drop off on Rt. 140 rest area. It was so convient but now I have clothes that I want to get rid of and probably will end up trashing them just to be easier. Why do they make being enviromental hard.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

I was wishing that I was the proprietor of "O'Malley's Tavern" here in Spartanburg. I know we have Delaney's Irish Pub downtown but that caters more to the drinker than to the foodie in all of us. I remember O'Connor's in West Boylston and their Guiness Pie that was out of this world. And they also had phenomenal Murphy's Onion Soup. Of course they can't call it French Onion soup that would be a mockery.
Then I got to thinking about carrying on the tradition of O'Malley's and how that would be a great legacy since my name is changed, yet it is written all over my face. I got to thinking about Fiddler's Green and how I just read that Silverstein's are opening the restaurant at airport. What a small in my blog I posted about going clothes shopping at Silversteins when I was little. (Wednesday, December 12, 2007). Here they are opening a restaurant just like I want to do. Fiddler's Green was the ultimate for me. I wished I was old enough to drink but heard how all the other siblings were there having great times. "It's No Nay Never..(clap clap clap clap)" You have to do the clapping or else you look like a jerk. Speaking of that tune, we went to Walhalla Oktoberfest last Saturday. Yes it went right by Clemson and all that "hunter's orange" on everyone. R yelled out the window, "GO PATRIOTS" and I laughed so hard. Walhalla is a cute little town and the fair was run very smoothly. The Little German Band from Raleigh, NC played music and got the whole crowd involved. They said they played a song in Belgium that was for rowing a boat. The tune was the same as "No Nay Never". R and I looked at each other and said, "That's an Irish song!".
What a surprise I just got...TJ called me and I answered it thinking it was R. He had to say, Auntie Chris it's TJ! Oh man that just made my day~
I feel so happy knowing that my nephew has grown into such a fine man. It is hard to believe that little baby I held is now protecting my freedom in this country. My phone started to click for call answering and I joked with him saying I am just as technologically challenged as his mother. He said, "no your not, you at least know how to email someone". Kudos to me.
It was Judy calling and looking forward to seeing her while on trip back to MA. 'God willing and the Creek don't rise' we'll have a safe trip.
Deer rut is making me nervous about traveling at night. So what if I hit a deer, are we allowed to keep it? In MA I know the law states that the person who hit the deer has the right to claim it. But then the question is, do you need to tag it in somewhere?

Friday, October 24, 2008

Getting better at this Twitter thing

So now I am learning how to Twitter and getting all excited finding information about how to save money using coupons, fishing, found and excellent blog from woman who raised German Shorthairs and then her blog led me to The Women's Outdoors. So much information out on the web that my neck is on fire from all this mouse moving.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

I am so technology-challegned it is not funny. The fact that I have a computer and know a little something is to my credit. But start doing these new things like Twitter and I have no clue. I just learned how to text someone from my cell phone this year! To think I am a child of the Commodore 64 era! Oh man am I dating myself. A guy I work with just reminded me how old I am when I said that. He had on number 14 on his softball jersey so I said why? He said, "You don't remember who number 14 was?" Assume it is Red Sox so thought maybe Jason Bay? No he said Jerry Rice. Man that was like in the 70's and I don't remember numbers. Except of course Carlton Fisk # 27 and Larry Bird Celtics was 33. I couldn't even remember my beloved Butch Hobson's number!
But then again, the alzheimers might be creeping up on me!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

First Hunting in SC

So husband and I went out on my first hunting trip today. Well actually, I didn't buy a Hunting license yet so I went to shoot pictures instead of deer. I brought my six dollar stand we bought at Independent Gun Club field day last year. For six bucks it works great. I also had to carry my folding chair but look how comfy I was. Second thing was how red my face is. That is due to the weather conditions and R making me trot all the way up this hill so I could overlook this area. Third thing was because I had no gun and in case there were wild creatures (ie coyotes? boars? snakes?), I would be somewhat protected. I had on my orange UnderArmor (cheap Walmart brand not really UnderArmor since that is a competitor of ours) and only a short sleeve camo shirt. Guys would care less what I am wearing but check out that RedHead hat! I love my husband for caring enough about me to buy me that.
So we didn't see or hear anything and counted about 5 other hunters in the woods with us. Yes that might be a bad thing, but sometimes it is good to know there are others there in case of emergency. I was sitting in this blind thinking to myself, if I am this winded climbing a hill, imagine if he gets a deer and I have to help drag it. Cardio treadmill here I come.