Thursday, May 5, 2011

Day 8 & 9

Day 08 ⇝ A moment you felt the most satisfied with your life It would have to be this past weekend.  I just finished taking a Beginner Motorcycle Course and I passed.  I did not know if I would be able to learn how to ride.  I once got on my brother David's "Wombat" when I was about 13 yrs old and when I pushed the trottle, I drove into a parked car on Glover St.
The idea of me on a motorcylce was crazy, but I still wanted to learn how to ride for two reasons.  1.) I didn't want to be a burden to Rick with the extra weight behind him and yet 2.) I wanted to experience the feeling alone and not with him. Sorry honey! I was so satisfied with my life after passing that test and knowing I can do anything I set my mind to.

since I skipped a day I am doing two entries today:
Day 09 ⇝ How you hope your future will be like
I already can visualize my future.  I will be "HAPPY, HEALTHY AND STRONG"  That is my mantra that I like to repeat to myself.  I also hear Tyler in my ear saying, "You can do it Auntie Chris!"
I know my future will be much better than it is now.  I will have lost the weight from gastric bypass (next Tuesday), I will be more active and participating in life, I will be happily married to my sweetie and we will be riding down the highway of life side by side on our bikes.  (*I have to get one first!!)


Day 10 ⇝ Discuss your first love and first kiss
Day 11 ⇝ Put your iPod on shuffle and write 10 songs that pop up
Day 12 ⇝ Bullet your whole day
Day 13 ⇝ Somewhere you'd like to move or visit
Day 14 ⇝ Your earliest memory
Day 15 ⇝ Your favorite Tumblrs
Day 16 ⇝ Your views on mainstream music
Day 17 ⇝ Your highs and lows of this past year
Day 18 ⇝ Your beliefs
Day 19 ⇝ Disrespecting your parents
Day 20 ⇝ How important you think education is
Day 21 ⇝ One of your favorite shows
Day 22 ⇝ How have you changed in the past 2 years
Day 23 ⇝ Give pictures of 5 guys who are famous you find attractive
Day 24 ⇝ Your favorite movie and what it's about
Day 25 ⇝ Someone who fascinates you and why
Day 26 ⇝ What kind of person attracts you
Day 27 ⇝ A problem that you have had
Day 28 ⇝ Something that you miss
Day 29 ⇝ Goals for the next 30 days
Day 30 ⇝ Your highs and lows of this month