Tuesday, September 8, 2009


We are suppose to close on the house tomorrow, 9/9. I was trying to tell Rick how that date always reminded me of my first wedding to Todd and how slowly every memory I have of that marriage is ending.  Instead of thinking of Todd, now I will be reminded of "our" future together.
Yet I can't help but think back to where I was on 9/9/89 marrying the first man I ever loved and how I never got to experience or learn how other men would treat me. I never imagined 20 years ago that I would be divorced and living in South Carolina married to another man who truly loves me for who I am both externally and internally.
It makes me so proud look back and know that I am both mentally and emotionally stronger as a woman in my 40's than I was in my 20's. I wish I knew now what I should of known then. My only regret is not having the kids I could have had while in my 20's, but then that would mean they are half Todd's, which I am glad that I didn't have to go through a custody battle.
God has blessed my life and I am thankful for the second chance. We will be blessing our new home with prayers & holy water tomorrow afternoon.
A new beginning on Sept 9, 2009!