Monday, February 9, 2009

Can I really of gotten a sunburn on February 8th? Well yes I did. We went to Gun & Knife show in Greenville and had to wait in line a good hour. Yes the sun was not at strongest, since it was about 10am, but I felt the 60 degree warmth on my face. By the time we finished the daggum Gun and Knife show, which I totally went just to please the husband, it was about 1pm. After a quick fast food bite (which I haven't had fast food in a long time and it tasted funny) we took a drive a hour past Spartanburg to a town called Blacksburg. That is where the rodeo was in August that I wanted to go to but it had a bad thunderstorm that night. So right off the highway was Ironcity Motorsports. He said, "do you hear the bees buzzing"? and me in my redhead moment thought I heard bees. We pulled up to this large motorcross track where they were practicing for upcoming race season. It was amazing to see, watch, smell, and hear. We sat in the bleachers for a couple hours and I came home pink. We went back yesterday and I did put sun block #30 on, but still got a sunburn. R just called to say he was out on his motorcylce and he saw a sign that said 71 degrees. Nice spring like day for February 9th! says it is 34 degrees back home. Don't miss that at all....