Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Songs that make me think of certain people

I had put on FB that I was listening to 80's music this past weekend and it is funny how certain songs make me think of certain people.  First came Madonna and "Lucky Star".  I mentally can see Judy on the NBHS 1984 pep squad do her routine and I know the opening cue music to shake my imaginary pom poms to.
Then Van Halen "Jump" came on.  I had this pseudo crush on kid that lived next door to my sister.  It was more because he was a boy and I was a girl and that he actually spoke to me than a true crush.  I remember him playing Van Halen and thinking he was so cool. 
Then there is "I would walk five hundred miles and I would walk five hundred more just to be the man to walk a thousand miles and see you at your door...dar-dar-da"  along with "Come on Eileen" are songs that once you hear them....you can't get them out of your head.  I picture Mike Ventura singing "Fish Heads Fish Heads rolly polly Fish Heads".  I also remember kid who danced so good in high school do a Michael Jackson dance to "Beat It" at our Jr. Prom. 
I wonder what song people hear and think of me?  "When Irish Eyes are Smiling"?  Probably but that is okay with me.