Wednesday, December 30, 2009

What do you keep your heat temp at?

I was talking to my cube mate Claudia about wearing my CPAP and how the other night I woke up with a wet chin. It was because the temperature in my bedroom was cool and the warm moist air from the CPAP formed condensation inside my mask. She asked what temp I keep my heat at and I told her 58 degrees. Neasha, my other cube mate, was in shock and said she keeps her heat at 74 degrees. I would die if it was 74 in my house. I think it is easier to breathe when it is cooler.
I am anticipating the arrival of our friend Art, who loves the warmer weather- which is why he is coming to visit us from New England. The only thing is we will have to turn up the heat when he comes for his health and well-being. He gets chilled very easy but it is just for two weeks so I can sit around in shorts & tshirt while he is here.
When it got cold in our house and we would say to Mom, "Maaah, it's cold in here", and she would reply, "well go put a sweat-aaah on". I miss the thick accent from home. "What are you retaaaaaarded"?