Thursday, December 3, 2009

Post-Thanksgiving Praise

Sometimes there are things in this world that just make me have to stop and Thank God for who/what I am and all that I have. My procrastination on doing this just shows you who I am. Better late than never...I will be late to my own funeral.

I am a happy, healthy woman who has a wonderful husband, a new home to come home to everynight, two families (O'Malley/Doty) who care about me, a job that is challenging yet pays me for my hard work, and food in my fridge. I was listening to the Christian radio station here and how there are so many people who don't even know where their next meal is going to come from that it just made me pause and give thanks to God for the things I do have.
Even with Rick still being unemployed, we are covering our bills and we were able to buy a house. He started school and is getting happier that he has purpose to his life again. The holidays are here and even though money is tight, we have the ability to give our family gifts this year. I even might send out Christmas Cards this year! Not that anyone noticed I didn't send them last year. But that is just one of the little things that I have to be thankful for this year. Money might be tight, but we are able to buy food and stamps. (or we need foodstamps!)
Happy Post Thanksgiving Everyone and Love you all to pieces (or to the Moon and back)