Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Late or tardy

I might be a few days late but I am a great procrastinator. "procrastination leads to exasperation". I guess that should be one of my New Year’s resolutions. I hate being late! If I am late to work- there is a reason why.  I logged in yesterday morning but had to use bathroom.  I have to email my boss in TX that I am here at work.  It helps confirm my log in time in case I forget to log in.  Well by the time I emailed her it was 8:12 and told her I had to use the bathroom. She replied “TMI” lol. If it is8:12 and you have not heard from me, something is wrong.  Either my cell phone is home and I can’t text you that I’m late or I’m stuck in bathroom. LOL  I really HATE being late.
I am the one who sits quietly in church ahead of time, usually saying my rosary or prayers in peace. I do not arrive at 8:12am expecting to find a seat and then disrupting Mass. I also am always early for Dr. appointments, or arranged time to meet up with friends. If I am late….reach out to find out why.  It’s not in my nature to be late.