Monday, October 14, 2013

Future invention that will happen in next 10 years

I predict.... I have seen the new Samsung Galaxy commerical The commerical shows all the different tv shows and cartoons that have a talking watch for the future. Picture George Jetson! So after I see that commercial I tell my husband that someone in this world has been working on getting a 3d projection to work- just like Princess Leia from Star Wars, when her message to help save her came through R2D2. Then there is the AT&T digital life where the kids just left home and the Dad pulls out his cell phone and shuts off lights, turns off the water and locks the door all from him phone. Thats the future. The radio announce joked this morning that there are 3 billion people using cell phones world-wide so what would happen if we all put them on "vibrate" and they went off at the same time. The technology is changing so fast and Earth is going to be overrun with computers someday. But the good news is hopefully with improved technology, maybe we will end up living longer and get to spend more time to love each other.