Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Reedy River Run is coming up next month.  I signed up to be a volunteer since this is the new me!  "NO DAY BUT TODAY!" (FALLINOFF in SP)
I am kinda looking forward to it for two reasons.  1) similiar to New Bedford Road Race which I know Friendly Sons of St. Patrick/brothers now help with and 2) Springtime is great time to get active and get to know other healthy-minded people. 
That doesn't mind that I am not friends anymore with folks who eat fried chicken....Oh Nah Nah I say..
It just means that I need more healthy people in my life to keep me motivated (for now).  I work in "sporting goods industry" so you would think I would want to get healthy just for my job.
(don't forget to log in and out 5 times a day BTW)