Saturday, February 27, 2010

God talking to me

I was at this site...( about gastric bypass when I found this link for SparkPeople. I know it was God showing me the way. Too often I miss hearing Him guide me along the way or I talk myself out of listening.
I was really thinking of having my inside cut open to have a piece of my body operated on to make me thinner? Is that why God made me? I pray for strength and not the kind that Lou Ferrigno has (I love him) but the kind that fills my spirit and makes me soar.
*cue music* "I believe I can fly"
I am accountable for me. I can't blame my past for the wayI look in the present and I can't pretend the future will be perfect, but I can do what I can today and start another day of my journey.
SparkPeople name is GIGGLEGURL7 for those of you who know me, I think it suits me since I try to always have a smile on my face. Or as the Irish saying goes, "Keep smiling so everyone will wonder what you are up to".