Wednesday, February 3, 2010

My inner coach

I have voices in my head.  Often times my voice does the John Pinette routine, "Get out line".

But this morning I clearly heard my inner coach.  I was lying bed awake thinking of stupid things when it was 5:58am. My alarm was set to go off at 6am so I could get up, wash face/brush teeth, get dressed, make a lunch and leave to go exercise before work.  I clicked on the alarm time and pushed it out to 7:00 thinking I would go back to sleep for an hour.  My inner coach voice said to me, "Why do you think you will fall back asleep after you have been awake thinking of stupid stuff for about the last 15 mins...get up an go work out". Not sure if those were the exact words but my inner coach's voice (which is male by the way--see I told  you I was wacky) demanded me to get up and get moving.  I obeyed his command.
I ended up reaching my 40 minute goal for this week and walked on the treadmill 1.65 miles burning 285 calories.  It is sad to think that I already ate that many calories today.  I know it is suppose to be calories in-calories out but I am not up to running yet.  Rick actually said I should wait to drop more weight before I try to run so it doesn't damage my joints.  Smart guy!  I would really love to swim but am still afraid of the kids at the YMCA yelling out "Look a beached whale!"  I will swim at the Y again someday (goal).