Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Dazed and Confused

It seems like the older I get, the worst my memory is getting.  I know I should have more vivid memories of things that happened in the past but for the life of me, I am forgetting quite a bit.  "I don't know Jack" and yes I did lose playing this game a few weeks ago.  It ranges from remembering tv shows, movies, books, character or actor names to songs and historical moments.  I know I should remember when the Berlin Wall fell in the 80's, but I don't remember.  I do remember Ronald Reagan and John Lennon getting shot.  I remember Madonna singing "Lucky Star" and the opening pep squad routing Judy did for spirit week that year.  I can't remember people I went to high school with that are friends on Facebook.
Why can't I remember other things?  It gets so bad sometimes I can't even think of the right words. The word is not in my mind and I have to pause a moment to come up with the right word or an alternate.  People around me must think I am dazed and confused because I know I get this look on my face.  It is frustrating and at the same time scary.  I am taking vitamins and wonder if ginko bilova would help.
My friend Jim was telling me his vivid memory of the last time he saw me.  I have no memory of it and question myself if I was really there.  Rick can spew out lines of movies from the 80's when I have a hard time remembering just the movie, never mind lines said in it.  JOMIII was always good helping my Mom remember character or actors who played in certain shows.  She would call him up (he lived upstairs) and she would call his number to ask him.  I know I am still young at 45 years old, but losing my memory is making me feel old.