Thursday, December 16, 2010

Mom's Eulogy 10-4-2010

“It is not the breathe you take, but the moments that take your breathe away” -George Strait

I have the privilege to present the eulogy for my Mother-Claudette. I am Christine, the youngest of her seven children. As she would call me “her redheaded baby”

There are many wonderful gifts my mother possessed. I will touch upon a few of those gifts today and hopefully you can relate to one of those gifts either as her child, grandchild, friend, colleague or fellow parishioner.

I mention the word wonderful because for Mother’s Day, I would specifically looked for the word “WONDERFUL” on my Mother’s Day cards so she would know it was from me. Of course important key words inside the card would be underlined and if necessary underlined twice. It’s a family tradition. She always made sure each of us received cards with underlined words with love from Memere

My Mom was a wonderful mother. I don’t have children but often wonder how she could balance her schedule so well. It was with LISTS. She had lists for her lists. The organization and running our house like Staff Sergeant was what made our family run so smoothly. You came in when the street lights came on…out only after dinner and rosary was said. She would drive us to Pauline Parker’s Dance studio, while one of the brother’s was busy playing little league or in Boy Scouts while another one was sneaking out the window to attend a CYO dance.

She was always there for us… even while working full time at the St. Luke’s. Claudette had the gift of compassion. Not only for us… but for the thousands of patients she nursed on old Abbey stroke ward. She was the nurse who held patients hands to ease their pain and suffering. She also taught a few of her co-workers how to care for patients by doing or saying the simplest of things. A word, a prayer, a touch, a back massage that would help the suffering subside a little.

My Mom had a gift of music and singing. I remember her hands playing the piano while hearing her sing ragtime songs and making her voice like Louis Armstrong. Her favorite singer was Barbra Streisand and my last conversation with her was when I called she said, “You just wanted to hear my voice? I said “Yes” and she told me she would sing me a Barbra Streisand song. I asked for “People” but she said…”NO that is too depressing, how about “Second Hand Rose?” We laughed and that was my great lasting memory of Mom. Her laughing on the phone with me.

Her gift of humor got her through life. She had a book near her bed that I think Mother Miriam, one of her Sacred Heart alumni gave her after my Dad died in 1979. "Laughter of God” Right up until the very end she had us laughing in the hospital room. Dee, her nurse was giving her medicine smashed up in her favorite coffee ice cream. Dee said “Claudette don’t eat it too fast you’ll get a brain freeze” Mom said, “You need a brain” (for it to freeze) and Dee said “Your sitting on yours” at which Mom replied with her right index finger wagging at Dee. We all knew the unspoken words of her finger wagging.

Mom also had the gift of art and her paintings will be cherished for future generations. She loved her murder mystery novels and Jeopardy. You never called her between 7:30 to 8 o’clock because she would take Alex Trebek over your phone call.

Claudette had a gift of cooking special recipes such as Pistachio cake that cannot be duplicated, although we’ve tried. Her holiday Beatrice bundt cakes along with special candy will be missed. Claudette loved the holidays, even St. Patrick’s Day!!

She scared a few relatives at Halloween when they opened their doors and she pushed them aside and starting going through their fridge. No one knew that the woman with witch outfit… green face and fake warts was my mother until I giggled and gave it away.

If you were lucky enough to have received one of her Christmas gifts, you might of also seen one of her other talents. She could make her own bows for packages. By standing next to the lady at Star Store gift counter and watching how she did it, Claudette went home and perfected the art of bow making. Sometimes you didn’t even want to open the package because it was too pretty and you could tell she wrapped it all with love.

My Mom’s life was not easy but her love for God helped her through the troubles. Her strong faith is evident as we gather in this church to pray for her. She has plenty of angels that are guiding her to heaven including my father and Tyler. She taught all of us how to be caring and compassionate, that is a reflection of how much God loves us. God gave us three gifts…Faith Hope and Love and the greatest of these is love. I like to think He gave us four…Faith - Hope - Love and Mom.

Thank you….