Thursday, December 16, 2010


I watched "The Biggest Loser" finale the other night.  Yes they all looked awesome with their 150+ pound weight loss.  I know it took them a long hard struggle to get healthy and look that good.  I don't know if I have it in me to push myself beyond my limits.  So there was a seminar for gastric bypass at the local hospital last night.  I had come home and first thing I always do, other than put Brier out, is whip the bra off and get comfy.  I then remembered the seminar and told Rick that I was going.  I mumbled to myself, "I have to do something about this".
The presentation was thorough and concise with explanations and options.  I think I am going to look into it further and try to see what my options are.  I was on Spark from January through March of this past year and lost 17 pounds.  A friend who was in the gym with me had said..."you didn't gain it all in three months so don't expect to loose it in three months."  I am lazy and don't want to work my butt off to get healthy.  I'm talking basic health such as blood pressure, cholesterol and sleep apnea that I have.  But I also have feminine issues and hygiene issues that frankly is too gross to even mention.
I opened my gmail account and found an email from "The Biggest Loser" about applying as a contestant.  I am going to try my best and see whatever path leads me to weight loss is the path I am going to take.