I've been thinking of getting my motocycle license. It was high 78 degrees on this gorgeous March day. Rick took his bike out riding and I have been getting jealous. I use to love to ride my moped when I was 16-17yrs old. I know it is not the same thing but just feeling the wind blowing through my hair like Fabio commerical would be wonderful. I am not talking about a big HOG (sorry MPOM) but I really like that reverse trike I saw on commercial. (CAN AM BRP but it is $20,000)
I also like the guys that are in Rick's motorcycle club. Since they are all police, fire, ems and ex-military...they always are safe and looking out for one another. I checked online about EOD motorcyle club but that is only for EOD members.
Speaking of which, for Tyler's 1 year anniversary, they are having a EOD ball down in Florida. I guess they are invited for memorial but seeing how Florida is now closer than Massachusetts...I might ask about going. Espeically since it is also in Ft. Walton Beach where my best friend Bridget lives.
I am aching to go camping too. This beautiful weather plus looking at the camper in the backyard has got me wishing I was sitting next to a nice stream, brook or CRICK, listening to the water and watching my husband fly-fish for brownies.
Oh would that be nice. *even better would be a nice trout on the grill with a little lemon, dill and onion....yum.