Though April showers,
Have come your way,
They bring the flowers,
That bloom in May.
So if it's raining have no regrets..
because it isn't raining rain you know,
It's raining violets (here is where she would harmonize with me)
When you see clouds upon the hill,
You soon will see crowds of dafodils
So keep on looking for the bluebird, and listening for his song
whenever April Showers come along.
( I found a link to the song with just piano chords, but that is exactly how I picture Mom right now playing at the piano and singing this song )
The other poem she use to recite with a thick disguised Brooklyn accent ...
Spring has sprung
de grass has rizz
I wonder where de flowers iz
boids on wing ain't that absoid
I tawt de wings were on de boid
I just called her because I got stuck on the last part and in normal Claudette fashion...she starts telling me how to spell things. God love her. Here are a few pictures of my tulips...HAPPY SPRING!