Thursday, July 11, 2013

Character Flaws

Character Flaws 
Yes I have them!! See I am not perfect and I readily admit that I am not perfect.  I have flaws and some of them are not obvious!  So here are five of my top character flaws for all of you to either scratch your head and say... "she's not like that" or "WOW I never knew that about her!"
Don't Judge - I'm only human!

1) I smell really bad!!  Okay so some of you know that about me!  After my gastric bypass, I have an issue with lettuce and the magnificent aroma my body emits after digesting it.  Sorry Coco for being my cube mate for all those years but at least I had potty spray.

2) Yes I do pick and have always been a picker.  If you see me picking, slap my hand like my Mom use to do.  But guess what... its a bad habit and it still continues.

3) I am too gullible. I consider this a flaw sometimes. Yes I am not that gullible to believe I have millions in a Nigerian bank account but if you told me that one of these days, you will be giving me a WONDERFUL gift.... I might believe you.

4) I am a spender...not a saver.  But yet I don't spend money on frivolous things. I don't get my nails done every two weeks, I don't spend $65 on a Brazilian wax (though I was thinking about it) and I never buy coffee from a store..I make my own.  But when you look at my bank account - it dwindles down without me thinking about future savings. I consider this a flaw since my husband knows every penny he ever spent.

5) My fifth one would have to be jealousy.  Yes I am selfish and want certain things.  I want them for my own pleasure and get jealous if someone else has what I want. I don't let it be known too much of my jealousy because it only makes the other person uncomfortable.  I get jealous of not just materialistic things but of time spent with loved ones when time is too short or they live fah (Bawston tawk) away.  I get jealous of not being there for important moments in their lives. 

I have more than five flaws but wanted to share some of my worst.  As you get to know me, you will find MANY more!!  LOL