Tuesday, July 24, 2012

A House vs. A Home

I'm a girl so I like pretty things just as much as the next girl.  But too pretty is not for me.  I think I still have some tomboy in me.  I do remember ex never liked froo-froo bedroom set so we always had a neutral comforter.  As soon as I was on my own, I bought a froo froo girlie flowerly comforter set and it felt so good. 
I do like matching things for somethings. I will never ever have matching towels in my bathroom.  They are all random colors and sizes.  God forbid I ever get a monogrammed towel!  Who needs their initials on the towel they wipe their wet body off with?  I don't have matching plates either.  I standby my Corell plates that are mismatched.  I spent so much money when I was young on Princess House thinking I would need a certain wine glass, water goblet or champagne flutes.  Who the hell uses a water "GOBLET"?  It's called a frickin glass! LOL
My couch is nothing to look at with Brier stains all over it. He wipes his face on edge of couch like a cat. I do love the two recliners on either end.  I also love the fact that the back three cushions come off making it very easy to move the couch.  Worcester-NewBedford- Westport-Storage-PageSt.-Spartanburg-Moore. Wow just typed that and didn't realize that couched has moved seven times. 
I also am not a slave to cleaning or have OCD like my sister Maureen or my friend Coco.  I can live with dirt on the floor just not in clumps.  I can stand seeing socks on the floor sitting next to a laundry basket. I do laundry often enough that they probably will only be on the floor for two days.  Maureen did show me how to organize my closet by color. I do have all my clothes by color in my closet and all my pants are together, dresses and winter jackets.  My pantie drawer is also very neat.  I have the granny panties in one pile, my sexy ones in another pile, and my everyday Warner ones up front. They are not color coded! 
My house is a home I believe because of all the mismatched things and for not being pristine super clean.  Sometimes I am afraid to get a crumb left on the counter at Maureen's.  And being my big sister, she would probably yell at me. LOL (just kidding Moe!)  I like being able to go in a house, kick off my shoes and plop down on a couch knowing I can relax.  I love my sister-in-law Sandy's house for that. Her house is a home. She might be embarrassed at times with piles of clothes, magazines or shoes hanging around.  I like it! It feels like someone lives there. 
Don't get me wrong...I like clean things too.  I look at the pictures of Log Homes in catalogs and wish I lived there.  Yes I would have everyone take their shoes off at the door. LOL but other than that...I would want everyone to feel comfortable in my home.