It might be more like day 46 but I am at least going in order!
This is day 20 which asks how important I think education is. First of all I think education should not be forced upon anyone. My dad went up to 9th grade education and he was a very smart man. He had to go work to support the family, being the oldest child. My mother on the other hand had private education taught by nuns and then went on to nursing school. Both of my parents provided for their family regardless of their education level. I think if you can get a job today, with or without a are in good shape. Granted sometimes a degree from college may make you the more suitable candidate for the job, but ultimately education should be up to you. I think every freshmen in college should be paying their own way, so if they want to take the party route and blow all their classes, then it is their own money blown and not their parents. They need to take ownership of the bill. On the other hand I think poor, low-income bright and intelligent students who just don't have the means to afford the education, should be allowed a lot more scholarships and cheaper tuition.
Day 21 ⇝ One of your favorite shows
Day 22 ⇝ How have you changed in the past 2 years
Day 23 ⇝ Give pictures of 5 guys who are famous you find attractive
Day 24 ⇝ Your favorite movie and what it's about
Day 25 ⇝ Someone who fascinates you and why
Day 26 ⇝ What kind of person attracts you
Day 27 ⇝ A problem that you have had
Day 28 ⇝ Something that you miss
Day 29 ⇝ Goals for the next 30 days
Day 30 ⇝ Your highs and lows of this month