Tuesday, February 15, 2011

No Hallmark card :(

I gave Rick his valentines card on Saturday.  Most of you all know that I am a mushy lovey dovey person.  I cried at CVS reading the card.  He opened it on Saturday, along with his bag of fudge filled hearts.  I cried again as he read it.  If I was ever an actress, tears would come easy to me.  No onions would be needed to make me cry...just Hallmark cards.
A few ladies at work received flowers, balloons, chocolates from their valentines.  I told someone that Rick and I don't do flowers because...THEY DIE!   But I did explain that he usually gets me a very mushy card that makes me cry.  Last night when he got home he apologized and said he was tired and didn't stop to get me a card.  He knew that it was expected, so by not having it, I was a little disappointed.  Then I had to just stop myself from mentally complaining because he gives me more than a card every other day of the year so I don't really need a bleeping card for him to tell me how much he loves me.  This is the man that two weeks ago made me a delicious pre-Valentines meal of shrimp, littlenecks and crab.  How could I be upset?  He still is the best thing that ever happened in my life and I love him more and more each day.