I remember going to Clasky/Common Park when I was little to see all the Christmas Lights. I am glad they brought that back again. It's also great to see NB Voke help with the displays.
I remember going to see Mitch Miller downtown with the annual Mitch Miller Sing a long. I loved hearing Mom sing louder than everyone else. It was great to get the community together caroling. We still have the carol books in the piano seat. The Christmas tree in front of the library was always pretty. I think it even snowed one year. Downtown use to put lights up on the telephone poles it was never put up early (before Thanksgiving). I remember poinsetta plants in Dad's window, before the remodeled front.
I thought the fishing boats use to put lights up on their masts but now I remember it was probably for First Night. I did see play Scrooge one year at NBHS.