Michael brought his laptop to the VFW last Saturday night so that we could SKYPE in and see everyone in Tyler's unit who just came back from Iraq. We even saw someone else SKYPE'ing so we were webcam to webcam which was pretty cool.
So if you ever want to SKYPE us, our contact name is rdotyc. We will only answer the call if we are home and if we know you.
During the webcast, no one could hear us because it was so loud. Molly singing her brain out and then doing the Electric Slide. (Whoever sang that dances great by the way) Victor Novo took us all around the place too. I told him he was welcome to come down to visit.
The reason the title of this entry is "What size shoe" is because Janet was thanking me for sending Colleen a pair and I was asking her what size she takes so I can send her a pair.
IF anyone from my family wants to order either Reebok or adidas, give me your size and I will order them for you.
go to shopadidas website and see if you find anything you like. I would rather ship Christmas gifts now that will fit you.
Which is second part of this post...what size clothes do the kids wear? I sent Austin a sweatshirt and it was too small. Not sure about kids sizes since I don't have kids.
So if you get a minute, email me your shoe and clothes size and if you have any suggestions on Christmas gifts.
Luv yah!