Okay so I am fat and I need to lose weight. What else is new? But after being fat 99% of my life, I have tried to go on a "diet" umph amount of time sand have not been successful. The girls on my team are all on diets. Great, I am all for counting calories, cutting back and watching what you eat. After going a month without money, I realise that cutting back my portions and taking less food (so meal goes further) is more helpful.
I always eat double or triple the amount of food WW says to eat. I have begun using the salad plate instead of dinner plate to put my food on. We had American Chop last night and I normally would have eaten about two dinner platefuls. But before I left work yesterday, I used the fitness center and did the treadmill for 10 minutes & 5minutes of some other machine. So needless to say, I grabbed the salad plate and actually felt full after the amount I ate. Like Mom says, I need to slow down and chew my food.