Saturday, January 31, 2009


The crazy lady in the news who is single, lives at home with her parents and had six children, just gave birth to another 8 children is pissing me off.
Here I am for years trying to have a baby, and this yah-woo goes and has 14 children? After growing up in a family of seven, I would of loved to have my own big family but in today's world, feeding, clothing and taking care of more than three children is tough. Forget three, just two is tough sometimes. My cube neighbor Claudia for instance, has been fighting with her pediatricians office to get her 2 yr old daughter diagnosed correctly. It is a fight she has to fight because she is a great Mom.
I was given the name of a infertility clinic and told that my insurance covers up to 10,000 dollars but I am still fat.
Even if I go that route, how much of my overweight, fat, out of shape body can handle carrying a baby. I would rather drop 60 pounds and then try to conceive. Then again, I think if God really wanted me to be a Mom, he would have made it happen by now. I put it all in His Hands. No extra doctor appointments poking and probing me to see what condition my tubes, uterus and eggs are in. I just have given up hope. That doesn't mean I don't love children, it just means it hurts even more looking at others children.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Happy Birthday brother MPOM. Which still sounds like a gangsta name to me, but for the sake of anyone I don't know looking at this blog, he remains anonymous.
Dude I forgot to send Birthday cards which stinks to high heaven knowing that I have started the year off procrastinating (again). Not to mention I have no stamps and that would require me to either a) walk to the adidas mail room and purchase them or b) find the flipping PO in Spartanburg. I am lazy and don't want to do either. Plus I never carry cash on me so mailroom doesn't take debit card.
Art is on his way home today after a nice visit with us. He probably was bored to death seeing how there was not much going on to do with him. He did say he'll be back so I guess he still had a good time. If only we had more money then we could of really entertained him. Not by going to the Men's Club down on 290 but movies, auto show, elegant dinner etc...
I am still working at my diet and did have cardio bowling last night. Only two out of four on my team showed up so once you finished bowling in one lane, you moved over and bowled in next lane. Never had time to stop to sip my drink. I didn't do too badly seeing how if I break 100, I think I am doing okay.
I remember going bowling with Mom and Roberta at Wonder Bowl. I remember Mom was pretty good too. Can't remember if they had the bowling shirts like Laverne & Shirley. We were adidas polo shirts since it is adidas bowling league. (9 bucks a week for a night out and some exercise is worth it)

Saturday, January 10, 2009


So I am a little early but it is because the card did not get put in the mail yet and wanted to let you know that I remembered ahead of time and might possibly beat JOMIII to wishing you a Happy Birthday!

Since I don't have any recent pictures of you, I had to post this picture taken on my wedding day (6-26-04) Look how big Clln got in 4 years!

Friday, January 9, 2009

I found out that American Chop Suey is a Northern thing. I guess it Wikepedia says it is normally called Mac & Beef. Also found out that the word "Flickah" or "clickah" for the remote might be a Northern thing too. I guess down here they would yell at their husbands, "give me the remote"! I would love to watch a whole tv show in its entirety. Especially something like "HOUSE" or "CSI" so I would know what the case is all about.
I haven't been watching too much TV since I am now addicted to FACEBOOK. I found the cool way of saying it is just by initials FB. Someone asked if I was on FB. I was thinking of what drugs are called FB?
Dinner tonight at Copper River. Guess what R is ordering? PRIME RIB!!! Our friend Art is visiting from Seekonk. He wanted to leave Seekonk before the next 10 inches of snow arrives. Great time to visit since R is not working. He'll just sleep on the blow up mattress in spare bedroom again.
Anyone else want to come visit to avoid snow shoveling?

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Everyone on Diets

Okay so I am fat and I need to lose weight. What else is new? But after being fat 99% of my life, I have tried to go on a "diet" umph amount of time sand have not been successful. The girls on my team are all on diets. Great, I am all for counting calories, cutting back and watching what you eat. After going a month without money, I realise that cutting back my portions and taking less food (so meal goes further) is more helpful.
I always eat double or triple the amount of food WW says to eat. I have begun using the salad plate instead of dinner plate to put my food on. We had American Chop last night and I normally would have eaten about two dinner platefuls. But before I left work yesterday, I used the fitness center and did the treadmill for 10 minutes & 5minutes of some other machine. So needless to say, I grabbed the salad plate and actually felt full after the amount I ate. Like Mom says, I need to slow down and chew my food.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


WOOOO HOOOOO the check is in the mail and we are on our way to getting out of credit hold.

R tried yesterday to call unemployment and it was busy. I tried from my work phone and it went through so I hit conference and called him and conferenced him in. He waited over an hour and still no one answered (being Monday I bet they were swamped). He called today and only waited 15 minutes for someone to answer.
He was transferred to a lady named Sherry who helped him immensely with what he needed to get accomplished. After talking to her, he found out he was suppose to be calling in every week to get TeleCert filed. He never even received something in the mail to tell him what number to call and he needed a pin number. She also helped him with setting up direct deposit and told him that claim is approved, after faxing over paystubs and that it is being processed. So hopefully by this weekend, we should have a check.
I have to make a resolution to save more money. I know Suze Orman tells you to save three months worth of income to cover you for emergencies. Now I know why.

Monday, January 5, 2009

We still have not taken down the tree and although I want to, it really is too pretty to take down yet. Plus my overall decorations are all snowmen, which is not really Christmas but more Winter-related. So a few snowmen have come down but not all of them.
R has been busy trying to get a hold of Mass. Unemployment. He still has not received any money from being laid off on November 11. That's right coming up to two months!! The rent is paid for January and that in our eyes is the number one bill. As long as we have a roof over our heads.
Mom made a comment about us having to cut back and not eat Prime Rib. When have we eaten Prime Rib? She is the one who got a nice piece of meat from David & JoAnn New Year's Day. Mrs. Doty also said we need to cut back. What else can we cutback? I am eating Banquet dollar meals for lunch and Mac & Cheese for supper. I have lost weight due to not eating full meals so if that is the price I have to pay, so be it. I would rather eat two little meals and lose weight than gore myself on Prime Rib hahahahahaha