My body is sore and it is just from getting old and being fat. My knees are buckling when I try to stand up and ache when I walk up stairs. I am suppose to go bowling to make up for missed league night, but am trying to muster up the strength to do it. I know R really wants to go bowling, now that he found a sport that is a) cheap enough to afford right now and b) inside away from harsh weather.
Speaking of harsh weather....I still would love one more trip in the woods. It is a tradition to go to Big River the day after Thanksgiving for hunting. I will miss Big River and knowing my way through the woods by myself. I mean, with my GPS of course. I love that thing. We use to go Geocaching with it and I will have to suggest to R to start that again, since it is Free and fun to do.
Rambling...that is because it is 12:12am and I have bathroom issues that are keeping me up. For those of you who know me, I don't like having bathroom issues and know that is it stress. We went over our bills for the month of December and although it will be tight, we are okay. It is January that is the problem. Hopefully R's unemployment will kick it. He was officially told he was being laid off on Friday. They also told him it was due to economy and losing automotive business (which has been lead story on the news all last week). They tried blaming him for his work performance and saying he needed two weeks off to think about his job. That was crap seeing how now the owner told him things are very bad with Ford pulling orders and still owning the company money.
He starts questioning himself and because he thinks he is old now and won't get a job. I told him you have to believe in yourself and think positive. That was never easy for him to do...he always is Mr. Pessimistic.
I think he can find anything down here even in this bad economy. The question is whether or not he will like it and if they pay him what he is use to making. He is a welder which normally they make pretty good money. I only pray that God will show him the way. I keep thinking that things happen for a reason and hope the reason is to find something better. Needless to say, the pressure of him being laid off, bored out of his mind sitting at home, using computer hunting for jobs is taking its effect already. I am nervous he is getting depressed and with holidays coming up, I know it is causing him stress. I know my own stress isn't helping and trying to find a way to keep things positive and happy. It ain't always easy....