So here I am in South Carolina. We thought we had enough room to take the hunting, hockey, scuba gear along with all the fishing poles he has but was tight.
We left at 10pm under the full moon and drove almost all night. We stopped in NJ for 45minute nap and got back on the road. R drove all the way until Greensboro, NC and then I took over.
We had my car on the tow dolly we rented so it was nerve racking to drive between the lines with that on the back.
We arrived about 3pm and unpacked what we could. The good news was there was an open garage right across the driveway for our stuff.
Now after the movers came and unloaded us and we got everything mostly is beginning to feel like home. I still have pictures to hang but where we just signed a six month lease, not sure if we will extend or move again.
My job is exactly the same as Canton, except on the new system. It is even the same layout of my cube, which is on a corner so it feels like home. The team down here was very welcoming and friendly and I feel like one of them. They are all mostly new hires and were in class together so they bonded before I got here. But they consider me a Rockstar and ask me to join them for lunch.
Hubby got a job last week but he doesn't like it much. It is machinst but he told them he does not know CNC. He has to weld too but that is the part he likes. The company is German so they use the metric system and he is having a hard time getting use to that. Just waiting to see if this will be short or long term. I would rather have happy husband come home after work than one bitching and moaning about how he hates this and that.
I will try to blog more often now that I am situated. GOLive is next week and it will be tough to learn all the new account info.