My New Year Resolution is to give God all the wonderful thanks for making my life so blessed and joyous. I have a lot of things to look forward to in 2008. The new move down to Spartanburg, finding a place to live, getting to know new people-neighbors, joining a church down there. It must be Mom talking and how I don't go to church often enough. I never feel "welcomed" but yesterday Deacon was talking about how every family is not a Hallmark card and your lucky even if you get a Hallmark card from family members. He was comparing The Holy Family to all of us and how no matter what our marital status is, as long as we go to church, we are a family (church family). Made me want to belong to their family. Father was thanking everyone for their generous gifts during the holidays and how much he appreciated all of them. It made me want to be one of the ones who likes their priest to give him a gift at Christmas.
But what I would really want, is to be able to accept Communion without feeling as if I was banished from church due to being divorced. I know I carry a mortal sin on my soul for being divorced. But where I want to experience the body and blood of Jesus in my soul, I don't know how else except through communion.
Is there any Catholic Church that accepts divorced people and lets them accept communion?