I have this thing that I feel better about myself when I help others. That is not a bad thing, but sometimes it puts a strain on my heart when I cannot help MORE. There has been this stray dog (yellow lab mix) that has been hanging around my work. A week ago Friday, I heard him barking while I was leaving for the weekend. When I got to work this past Monday, I saw him. It was pouring rain out and he was hanging around a grassy patch out across the street. I had asked others where I work if they saw him on Friday but they said they only noticed him that day. I went to Family Dollar and got him some wet and dry dog food. He ate the whole bowl. He had been wandering around between our building and the abondoned one across the street. He wasn't really annoying anyone so I left for the day. He was there again Tuesday and Carmen fed him two plain burgers for lunch. The security guard across the street said he called Animal control. Josh from the warehouse said when Animal Control came, the dog ran in the other direction. Smart dog!! LOL My husband showed up after his work to see the dog and it was barking at every truck so he said no. I tried to tell him that is his only fun is barking at trucks. So Wednesday was a gorgeous day and I fed him in the morning and again before I left for the day. Same thing on Thursday except there were three police cars across the street. I thought they were there for the dog! I told Josh I was going over to the cruiser to tell them to call Animal Control. Josh said, "why don't you just call them?" I said, "because I want to check out the cop!" I walked over and showed the police officer the wandering dog. Of course the dog follows me now that he knows I give him food, cookies and water. The cop was not cute but actually looked like he was injured in his face. Anyway....another day and still the dog was wandering around. Friday I called Animal Control myself and told the girl that they dog comes up to me and is not too agressive. She said if I can get a leash on him, she will take him. When the van pulled up, the took could sense something (maybe the smell?) but when I shook the bag of dog food, he came running. I tried to put the leash on him, but he turned his head and walked away. I didn't want to scare him since he has been well behaved all week. The Animal Control officer said if I could put a leash on him, that I should take him home. I told her that if I took him home, I would be divorced since my husband and I had an argument earlier in the week when I told him I really wanted to bring the dog home. One last dish of dog food and I said goodbye for the weekend. Or so I thought...
Today was raining and the temperature was dropping. I was out with a friend so I bought more wet and dry dog food and went up to see if dog was still there. As soon as I pulled in..he ran over and when I lifted my truck, he was wagging his tail happy to see me. I talked to him and gave him food. I went in to use the bathroom and then came out to say goodbye. Feel so bad for this poor dog but I will keep helping him as much as possible. Only wish I could do more...
What else can I do?

Update on dog was that the Dog catcher came last Friday and picked up the dog...hope it found a good home.