Sunday, February 23, 2014

A weekend gone

It was such a wonderful weekend weather-wise. Lots of sunshine and warmth that the heat was turned off in the house and the windows were opened to air it out from stale winter air. I did a few "spring cleaning" chores but wish I had a "dumbstah" to throw all the extra things I have accumulated through the years. My friend Shelley from Rhode Island is flying into to spend a week. She is such a great friend that I had the same "shell" tattoo done on my leg as her. It also is a scallop shell so means something extra special to me. I am looking forward to having fun and maybe even taking a trip down to MB- Myrtle Beach next weekend. I only hope the weather is as gorgeous next weekend as it was this weekend. Next weekend fo' sho I won't be stuck in the house all weekend.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Love is in the Air

I feel it in the air. Yes it is also everywhere you look when you go in the stores. It's been in the stores since the first of January. The color red and Valentines cards, stuffed bears, balloons and of course..chocolates are everywhere. The most we do is give each other a card and maybe one of those small hearts filled with four chocolates. I am usually not expecting anything more. We are suppose to show each other love everyday of the year and not just one certain day. And it all stems from God... GOD is love. He loves us and has shown that he is a loving God. The first miracle was at a wedding...a loving ceremony. HIS greatest gift is LOVE. My gift this year that I did not buy in a store, is my love. It's worth more than anything you can buy in a store anyway. 143

Redhead Moment defined

Redhead Moment defined: "A momentary and intense display of irrationality, bad temper, insanity, or any combination thereof." - Urban Dicktionary Yes are lots of moments like that in my life. Bad temper is not very often but when I do have an outburst- WATCH OUT!! What pushes me to have one of these outburst.... stupid drivers. I swear (curse) the most when I am behind the wheel of my cheese. I don't usually curse much or have a mouth like a sailor but you will hear a MO-FO come out of me every now and then. I am not proud of it. My irrational side wants to just take off and never look back but my rational side says stay put and keep your feet grounded. My insanity...well that shows itself often. Remember I am a crazy weirdo lunatic who can be scary sometimes and seem COCO LOCO!! But if I ever get too crazy, you have my permission to call me out on it. I promise to not dance on any tables, go-karting or bungee jumping- that's just crazzzy!!

Missed a Red Shirt Friday

I have missed a red shirt Friday. I forgot that the day after Thanksgiving was a Friday! I had black on instead of red. But as a very good friend told me, I wear red everyday on my head. So see.. "I was wearing my red hair!" LOL


I don't expect much out of life except to be happy. Maybe that's not a good thing. Maybe I should be setting my expectations higher. Expecting to have it all! Nah...that is not me. I guess coming from a large family, you get to cherish the little things. Going out in the backyard with a red kickball and that was all we needed to have fun. I know I grew up in a different time, before XBox and Wii, which I still don't own, but even with the latest and greatest toys I don't think it would make my life better. All I want is to be happy. There are some people that might think I need more in my life to be happy. I have family and friends that I love dearly. I have a roof over my head, food in my belly and clothes on my back. I have a great job and feel blessed to have love in my life. I do not expect anything else...just hope it continues. WOW- Now I know why I haven't posted in a while...I have all these drafts I started but never hit "publish". Be prepared for a few more posts from me today except these were written since December.

You can say I'm a dreamer...

I do dream and although it maybe wacky dreams of Patrick Duffy or wolves chasing me through the woods...I do dream. Although I have dreams that sometimes scare me and wake me up, I have lots of peaceful loving and WONDERFUL dreams. I find myself dreaming of places I'd like to visit and sharing those new experiences together. We could be walking along a cobbled-stone sidewalk in a small town in Italy. If we stop at a local street cafe and have a glass of wine with a delicious antipasto and pasta to share. Or I sometimes dream of a log cabin up in the Smokey Mountains that has an outdoor hot tub. We would be running out to the hot tub in the cold winter snow and hop right into the tub laughing as we try not to get too cold. Keep your winter hat on and don't get your hair wet. Lesson learned. Kinda fun running through the snow with just boots and ski parka on. I have been dreaming of riding a horse again. There is a beach in Georgia called Cumberland Beach that I would love to ride a horse on the beach. Yeah Lady Godiva-like might cause a stir but If I am dreaming then Lady Godiva I will be! Oh wait...she had long flowing blonde hair...hmmm will have to rethink that dream.